Service Read Object SDO – Index 0×4001

Subindex Data Type Data Description
SubIndex 01
Motor Voltage
INT Value in mV for the Motor Power input to the module

   _Example: 24100 = 24.1V
SubIndex 02
Logic Voltage
INT Value in mV for the Logic Power input to the module

   _Example: 23500 = 23.5V
SubIndex 03
Sensor Detect
INT Integer value indicating if Sensor Port circuitry detects a device connected
  0 = No devices detected on either Left or Right Sensor Ports
  1 = Device detected on Left Sensor Port
  2 = Device detected on Right Sensor Port
  3 = Device detected on both Left and Right Sensor Ports
SubIndex 04
Left Motor Temperature
INT Numerical value of temperature in °C:
  • High Byte = Motor Sensor Temperature
  • Low Byte = Controller Driver Sensor Temperature
SubIndex 05
Right Motor Temperature
SubIndex 06
Left Motor Current
INT Motor current value in mA
SubIndex 07
Right Motor Current
SubIndex 08
Left Motor Max Speed
INT Numerical value of maximum speed:
  • For Motor Rollers the value is in mm/sec
  • For PGD value is in RPM x 10
SubIndex 09
Right Motor Max Speed
SubIndex 0A
Left Motor Real Speed
INT Numerical value of current motor running speed:
  • For Motor Rollers the value is in mm/sec
  • For PGD value is in RPM x 10
SubIndex 0B
Right Motor Real Speed
SubIndex 0C
Left Motor Frequency
INT Numerical value of current motor running frequency in Hz
SubIndex 0D
Right Motor Frequency
SubIndex 0E
Left Motor PWM
INT Current motor running PWM in % of maximum allowed
   Example: 800 = 80%
SubIndex 0F
Right Motor PWM