As one of the UK’s leading Guardianship Organisations, Bright World understands the importance of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) for our students, staff, host families
and more. We understand the importance that EDI can play for our incoming international students, who take a brave step, in moving away from the comforts of home, and enter
into unfamiliar territory. Although there is no way to replicate the feeling that home will have, it is our responsibility to understand the nuances that come from different cultures,
as these students attempt to find themselves here in the UK. Bright World is committed to continue learning and evolving, to understand how our students can be better supported
as they go through a life-changing move. Bright World understands the intersectional nature of EDI, and that experiences of one student will not match that of others, and so
we make a commitment to keep working with staff and host families to understand the feelings of every student, and work to make this a place for them to feel at home once
Cultural Competency, is the understanding of subtle, sometimes invisible nuances, that different cultures can have, and how being in unfamiliar territory, can bring about a sense
of unease. Being Culturally Competent can include a wide variety of components to consider when working with those that are not of British origin. Bright World will not
tolerate discrimination, harassment or bullying on the basis of one’s culture or religion, and any such reported incidents will be dealt with seriously, and in a timely matter.
Bright World Guardianships embraces and celebrates all religions and denominations. Bright World uses knowledge of incoming student faith and religion to attempt to best
match students with host families; whether that is to find families of the same religion, or if desired, different religions to expose students to different cultures. Religious information
regarding the student is contained within the Student Profile and Host Family Profile, which are only sent to the student and host family. Both the Student and Host Family
Handbooks contain information about adjusting to different cultures, and how religion can impact the life of a student in many different facets. Our Professional Code of Conduct
highlights to host families the importance of dealing with students respectfully, while being mindful of their religion and culture.
Food plays a large role in relocating, and how comfortable a student can feel. Specific food requirements, especially those to satisfy religious requirements, such as but not
limited to; Vegetarianism, Veganism, Halal, and Kosher, are details that are collected by Bright World to be included as information to be provided to host families.
Parents being keen on students bettering their English language capability with their host families is not out of the norm, and Bright World is here to help support students in this
endeavour. We also have a Chinese Counsellor and a Russian Counsellor to aid in communication with students as well as parents whilst in the UK. Host Families play a
pivotal role in highlighting students who may be experiencing difficulties with language, therefore having difficulties communicating their needs. Bright World staff is committed to
providing the highest level of support to students in making sure that their needs are communicated thoroughly and met with appropriate responses.
Holidays are an important part of everyone’s year, and for those that are not able to celebrate at home with their families, it can be difficult. There often comes a religious or
cultural connotation to many holidays that are not celebrated as widely in the United Kingdom as they would be elsewhere. Bright World commits to being able to support
students that want to celebrate their holidays like they do back home, as a way of keeping a connection to their culture.
At Bright World, we are committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all. We recognise that one’s Gender Identity is one of the most personal and intimate aspects
of one’s self, and its something that should always be accepted. We strive to foster an atmosphere of safety, acceptance and respect between all of our students, staff and host
Bright World respects and affirms the gender identity of each student, and staff member, and acknowledge that each student and staff member has the right to be referred to by
their preferred name and pronouns. Staff members will be expected to use inclusive language and avoid making assumptions about gender identity. Bright World encourages
open dialogue and sensitivity to all matters relating to gender identity. Bright World will not tolerate discrimination, harassment or bullying on the basis of one’s
gender identity, and any such reported incidents will be dealt with seriously, and in a timely matter.
The privacy and confidentiality of each student and staff members gender identity is of the utmost importance. Bright World understand that deeply personal nature of one’s
gender identity, and will not share that information. Everyone has the right to disclose or not disclose their gender identity, and it is essential that we respect those wishes by
maintaining confidentiality.
We are committed to providing training and education to all staff members to enhance their understanding of gender identity, expression and other related issues. We will
regularly review and update our training materials to ensure that staff members are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to create an inclusive environment.
This policy will be communicated to all staff members, host families, students and parents, and will be made readily available on our website. We will regularly review and
evaluate the effectiveness of this policy, making any necessary adjustments to ensure ongoing compliance and improvement.
By adhering to both the Cultural Competency and Gender Identity Policy, Bright World aims to create and environment where all students feel safe, respected, supported and
understood on their educational journey.
Prepared for: Bright World Guardianship Ltd
Prepared by: Manan Shah, MS EDI Consultancy
We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.
This policy was last reviewed: June 2023
Signed: Lana Foster, Managing Director, DSL
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