
The safety of our students is our main priority. Bright World Guardianships acknowledges that there may be situations out of their control that require planning for. This plan outlines what Bright World Guardianships will do in the event of an emergency. (Please note that the scenarios are not exhaustive.)

We have a clear procedure at Head Office for emergencies. This is managed by our Head Office Team – Robbie Piper, DSL Lana Foster, DSL James Foster, Commercial Director and Su Warren Director of Guardianships. Anyone receiving a report of a safeguarding matter for one of our students should direct the person reporting to Robbie Piper at Head Office during office hours or to the emergency number 01273 836060 or

Here is our Emergency Procedure Flowchart for Emergency Removals

Here is our procedure for Missing Students

Here is our procedure for Absent Students

Here is our Child Protection Procedure

Advice to Bright World host families and staff in the case of an emergency situation:

Where a host family or member of staff believes the child or young person under our care to be at risk of suicide or serious self harm and you can’t reach Bright World for any reason

Call your local Multi Agency MASH or your LA Safeguarding Board and CAMHS Crisis Team (out of hours emergency nb) for consultation. Each District in the UK has it’s own MASH Team by searching for MASH – your area in google you will find the contacts. Here is a list of all the UK Safeguarding Boards. You can also use google search for your local CAMHS crisis team number and contacts.

We recommend that our host families download the NHS Safeguarding App which will give access to contacts in your area.

NHS England Safeguarding app

The NHS Safeguarding app has been developed to act as a comprehensive resource for healthcare professionals, carers and citizens. It provides 24-hour, mobile access on up to date legislation and guidance across the safeguarding life course.

The app also provides information on how to report a safeguarding concern and even has a directory of safeguarding contacts for every local authority in England, searchable by region.

It can be accessed via Apple iOS, Google Play or it can be downloaded by visiting your device’s appropriate app store and searching for ‘NHS Safeguarding’.

Emergency Procedure

Dealing with an emergency

It is important to us that staff who receive an emergency call keep calm and remember to note all of the information provided. The person receiving the call may need to provide reassurance and support to the informant as they may be upset, suffering from shock or may panic. They should:

• Ascertain out what has happened, gathering as much information as you can;
• Discuss with the informant what action needs to be taken and by whom;
• Keep a written record of the information and of any actions taken. (A template for recording incidents is included at end of this plan);
• Lana Foster should be informed immediately about the situation.

Specific scenarios

Please note that specific scenarios may require a bespoke plan that will include further details on how we will handle the issue. Where this is the case Bright World Guardianships will circulate the plan with all relevant parties.

Cancelled Flights if a student is stranded

When a student’s flight is cancelled in the UK, Bright World Guardianships will arrange for suitable care. If necessary students will be accommodated in an emergency host family until it is possible to travel. Where a student is waiting at an airport without a member of our staff, students are required to contact Bright World Guardianships as soon as they are aware that their flights have been cancelled. Parents will be kept fully informed of the situation. Bright World Guardianships will liaise with the airline and parents to re-arrange the flights.

Pandemic/ Contagious Outbreak

Pandemics can cause major disruption to travel and schooling. It is important in such events to take advice from the government, Public Health England and the World Health Organisation. AEGIS provides guidance for members to follow. This is regularly updated as a situation develops. Usually, in a pandemic it is important to restrict movement so as not to spread the disease further. That means boarding school students would usually remain at school. In the event of a pandemic Bright World Guardianships has a specific policy that outlines our procedures for dealing with a pandemic.

Serious injury or death of a student

Serious injury or death of a student is distressing for all concerned. Bright World Guardianships will:

• Liaise with medical staff and police
• Keep parents informed
• Help parents arrange flights
• Handle any media enquiries
• Liaise with schools and any other external agencies (such as LSP) where required
• If required, assist parents with rehabilitation and flights home
• If required, assist parents with funeral arrangements

Terrorist incident

Schools will have their own lockdown procedures to ensure the safety of students in the event of a terror attack. In the event of a terror attack taking place in the UK when a student is staying at a host family, Bright World Guardianships will follow the guidance provided by the UK government and the police. Unless instructed otherwise, students will be asked to remain in the host family and not to go out unaccompanied by their host family. In such a situation Bright World Guardianships will assess the risks and act accordingly.

An incident outside the UK at a transport hub

Bright World will remain in contact with parents, school and students in the case where a student is stranded at an airport, and unaccompanied whilst attempting to travel back to the UK or back to home. Although we would be unable to travel to meet them we will do all we can to liaise with authorities, any help or information centres and act as a go-between for parents, school and students. International helplines would be set up for all enquiries and details of these would be available via the internet and social media as important points of contact with the statutory authorities.

If the said information centres are not able to help with accommodation if the child is to be stranded overnight, we would, on the advice of parents, arrange for hotel accommodation or alternative accommodation if necessary.

Bright World’s emergency telephone 01273836060 will remain live and available to anyone involved 24/7. In the event of our telephone being overloaded with calls, we will publish alternative telephone numbers to be used instead and we will ensure we are available 24/7.

Our emergency email address can be used within waking hours. Throughout the incident Bright World will communicate with all interested parties, school, drivers, parents and students


In the event of a fire at a host family, after dealing with the emergency by calling the fire brigade, the host family is expected to inform Bright World Guardianships . Students will be moved to a different host family until the accommodation is refurbished. Bright World Guardianships will visit the host family to check the suitability of accommodation before any students return.

School closures

There are many reasons why a school may close. These could be temporary, such as due to weather or a staff shortage or permanent, for example due to bankruptcy. Unless closure is due to a contagious disease (see pandemic guidance above), Bright World Guardianships will provide accommodation for students with their host families*.

Requests from schools to remove a student

Bright World Guardianships has a plan in place for any student who cannot be accommodated by the school due to illness, disciplinary action or any other cause. All removals are managed by Robbie Piper, DSL at Bright World and should be passed to him. He will follow our Non-Emergency, Emergency and Mental Health Removal processes accordingly.

It is important to note that if a student is being permanently excluded from school, ie. they are not going to be allowed back into school, then effectively and according to our Terms and Conditions, we are immediately released from our obligations. However, where the student needs a safe place to stay between their expulsion and their flight home or being taken into the care of their parents, we will arrange a host family, subject to our removal procedure and risk assessment for a maximum of 7 days.

Requests from schools or need to take students to hospital in an emergency

Bright World Guardianships has an Emergency Chaperone Service and a Register of Emergency Chaperones around the UK who assist in taking students to hospital 24/7. See separate Policy and Procedure.

Emergency host family Accommodation*

Please note that emergency host family placements may not necessarily be with the students’ usual host family, but will be with one of our vetted host families who provide high levels of care. These host families may be a greater distance from the school. Wherever possible we will place students with their usual host family.

Missing or absent students

Bright World Guardianships has a plan in place for any student who is missing or absent. See our separate Absent or Missing Student Policy and Procedure.

Emergency contacts at Bright World Guardianships

Name Title Email Number
Main Office 9-5.30 Mon-Fri Direct: 01273 835745
Robbie Piper DSL, Mental Health and Prevent Lead Direct: 01273 836068
Lana Foster DSL Direct: 01273 836789
Su Warren Deputy DSL Direct: 01273 836780
James Foster Deputy DSL Direct: 01273 836788

Contact Details- other organisations

Organisation Contact details
Police Emergency Tel: 999 (24 hour)
Police Non-Emergency 24/7 Tel: 101
Fire & Rescue service Tel: 999 (24 hour)
Ambulance service Tel: 999 (24 hour)
National Health Service Tel: 111 (24 hour)
AEGIS Tel: 01453 821 293
Foreign & Commonwealth Office Tel: 0207 008 1500 (24 hour, consular assistance)
Environment Agency Tel: 0345 988 1188 (24 hour Floodline)
Met Office Tel: 0370 900 0100 (24 hour, weather desk)
Health and Safety Executive Incident Contact Centre: 0345 300 9923 (Monday to Friday 8.30am until 5pm)Out of hours duty officer (24 hour): 0151 922 9235
Public Health England
Main Switchboard: 020 7654 8000
World Health Organisation

We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.

This policy was last reviewed on: 20th September 2023

Signed: Lana Foster, Managing Director, DSL


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