Bright World was founded in 2000. Since then we have placed hundreds of international students into UK schools, colleges, language schools and universities. The guardianship programme was introduced in our first year of operation in September 2000. Bright World Guardianships is now one of the UK’s most well-known guardianship companies, and recognised and often recommended by boarding schools across the UK.

Bright World has been accredited by AEGIS, the Association for the Education and Guardianship of International Students since 2006 which means we have been inspected to ensure that we are upholding our safeguarding standards and follow their safeguarding framework and guidelines.

Our job as guardians involves helping our students to prepare for their study period, helping them through the first few weeks of term and continuing to offer them support throughout their stay. We also find host families for holiday times and make sure they travel safely around the UK using our drivers or on occasions, where permitted, on public transport. At the office we deal with the administration of the programme which is very labour intensive.