if your situation changes
If any of your details change such as your address, mobile/landline number, members of family/friends moving in/out the house or new pets, please inform Bright World as soon as possible.
Bright World will amend your profile which is sent to clients and the system will be updated. Even a change such as having an additional available bedroom in the house is something that we would like to know or if you update your kitchen so that we can update the photographs of your house.

non Bright World students or guests staying at your house
If a host family is also hosting other students or guests in the house (which have not previously been disclosed), the host families are responsible for telling Bright World. Bright World needs to know this information to make sure there is no overcrowding, that the environment is still suitable for our students and that their parents are happy for them to be staying with non Bright World students. If there are any adults staying in the property over night, such as a lodger or friend / family member, then Bright World needs to be notified immediately. We will then carry out our compulsory criminal record checks (enhanced DBS check) on the individual so ensure they are safe to be in the same house as our students.

Please ensure that your student is not left alone in your home with tradespeople or other professional people you employ, e.g. cleaners.
Please inform Bright World of any service or tradespeople who will be visiting your home regularly, or frequently during a given period of time.

Contact with student before they arrive and after they leave
Once a student has been confirmed to stay with you, you will be sent their contact details. It is very much encouraged that you contact your student by email before their stay with you. This is to introduce yourselves and can be a useful way for you to find out what your student might enjoy doing during their stay with you. However, if a student attempts to contact you directly to make home stay arrangements, please advise them to contact their Guardianship Care Manager at Head Office.