How to view the 30-day Trial Notice

  1. Locate the Profile Image in the top right.
  2. Trial badge will show on the bottom of the image.
  • During the 30-day trial, a counter will appear showing how many days are left in the trial.
  • Note that 30-day trials still only apply for Player accounts

How to view profile

  1. Locate the Profile Image in the top right.
  2. Tap on the Profile Image.
  3. Scroll down and tap on profile.

How to view account settings

  1. Locate the Profile Image in the top right.
  2. Tap on the Profile Image.
  3. Scroll down and tap on Account and Subscription Settings.

How to update personal settings

  1. Locate the Profile Image in the top right.
  2. Tap on the Profile Image.
  3. Scroll down and tap on Account and Subscription Settings.
  4. Fill in Personal Settings fields.
  5. Tap on the Save button.

How to update profile picture

  1. Locate the Profile Image in the top right.
  2. Tap on the Profile Image.
  3. Scroll down and tap on Account and Subscription Settings.
  4. Tap on the change button, under the Profile Image on the right side of the screen.
  5. Select on photo to add to the account.

How to change your password

  1. Locate the Profile Image in the top right.
  2. Tap on the Profile Image.
  3. Scroll down and tap on Account and Subscription Settings.
  4. Tap on the Settings tab.
  5. Fill in fields for New Password and Re-Enter New Password.
  6. Tap on the Save button.

How to cancel subscription

  1. Locate the Profile Image in the top right.
  2. Tap on the Profile Image.
  3. Scroll down and tap on Account and Subscription Settings.
  4. Tap on the subscriptions tab.
  5. Tap on Cancel Subscription.

How to change the Billing Frequency

  1. Locate the Profile Image in the top right.
  2. Tap on the Profile Image.
  3. Scroll down and tap on Account and Subscription Settings.
  4. Tap on the Subscriptions tab.
  5. Tap on Change Billing Frequency.
  6. Select the new billing option, and tap on Change Billing Frequency.

How to change payment

  1. Locate the Profile Image in the top right.
  2. Tap on the Profile Image.
  3. Scroll down and tap on Account and Subscription Settings.
  4. Tap on the Subscriptions tab.
  5. Tap on Request Hand Off.
  6. Tap on the drop-down to select a person to continue paying for the subscription.
  7. Tap on the Hand Off button.
  • Please note: this is only a request and the person you’re requesting from needs to accept your request for the payment change to take effect.

How to add the Add On

  1. Locate the Profile Image in the top right.
  2. Tap on the Profile Image.
  3. Scroll down and tap on Account and Subscription Settings.
  4. Tap on the Subscriptions tab.
  5. Under Add Ons tap on Buy Now Button.
  6. Select the payment option and tap on Buy.

How to cancel Add On

  1. Locate the Profile Image in the top right.
  2. Tap on the Profile Image.
  3. Scroll down and tap on Account and Subscription Settings.
  4. Tap on the Subscriptions tab.
  5. Tap on Cancel Subscription under Add Ons.

How to view Currently Paying list

  1. Locate the Profile Image in the top right.
  2. Tap on the Profile Image.
  3. Scroll down and tap on Account and Subscription Settings.
  4. Tap on the Subscriptions tab.
  5. Scroll down to Currently Paying For to view.

How to add a new card

  1. Locate the Profile Image in the top right.
  2. Tap on the Profile Image.
  3. Scroll down and tap on Account and Subscription Settings.
  4. Tap on Cards on the File tab.
  5. Tap on Add a New Card button.
  6. Fill in credit card fields.
  7. Tap on Add Credit Card button.

How to edit card on file

  1. Locate the Profile Image in the top right.
  2. Tap on the Profile Image.
  3. Scroll down and tap on Account and Subscription Settings.
  4. Tap on Cards on the File tab.
  5. Tap on edit.
  6. Update card info.
  7. Tap on the Update Card button.

How to remove a card on file

  1. Locate the Profile Image in the top right.
  2. Tap on the Profile Image.
  3. Scroll down and tap on Account and Subscription Settings.
  4. Tap on Cards on the File tab.
  5. Tap on remove.
  • A credit card can only be removed when another card is on file.

How do you edit the academy

  1. Locate the Profile Image in the top right.
  2. Tap on the Profile Image.
  3. Scroll down and Edit Academy.
  4. Fill out Academy Fields.
  5. Tap on the Save button.

How to logout

  1. Locate the Profile Image in the top right.
  2. Tap on the Profile Image.
  3. Scroll down and tap on Logout.

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