In earlier versions of ActiveControl, it was only been possible to sign off testing in Test Queues at a Business Task level. The guiding principle behind this has always been that testing is being signed off on an entire change, and so all Transport Forms relating to the Business Task should be moved at the one time.

There are scenarios where customers want to move individual transports forward from Test Queues, (for example when unit testing of one transport is complete, and the Developer wants to move it into subsequent test system for further testing in advance of the other transports relating to the same change being developed/unit tested).

As such, a Partial Testing capability is now available in ActiveControl to allow individual transports to be signed off within Test Queues. This can be performed in both the Windows GUI and in the Web UI. The option must be switched on explicitly for each of the target development system.

Configuration Steps

To enable transport level testing signoff, tick the ‘Allow test result entry for my transports on this target’ checkbox on the target.


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