The integration framework can also take into account value conversions.

For instance where a value in ActiveControl could equal one thing maybe its corresponding value in an external could be different although they both mean the same thing. For example:

A Priority maybe ‘1’ for ‘Low’ however, the same ‘Low’ priority in a Remedy system for example could be ‘4’.

The table /BTI/TE_INT_CONV can be used to map the two values together and address these issues.

/BTI/TE_INT_CONV – Integration Conversion Table

Field Description
EXTSYS_NO Main external system identifier, this is the identifier of the system that you wish to integrate with we can have as many systems as we want.
An example of this could be:
1 – Remedy
2 – Solution Manager
3 – Service Desk
EXTSYS_NAME Full description of external system
EXTERNAL_REF This is the field name of the external field that is on the system to be integrated with.
EXTFLD_ID This is the field value that the conversion needs to take place on.
EXTFLD_VAL This is the converted value that needs to be fed into the integrated system.

For example in our OOTB box example we are performing Solution Manager Integrations only on certain types of task and these types of tasks are set up in solution manager as Support Notification ticket types.


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