Table /BTI/TE_RE_STEPC is where Step Conditions are defined.

Field Description
Step ID This is the Step ID as defined in table /BTI/TE_RE_STEP.
Field The current available Fields supported are detailed in table below.
Operator The current Operators supported are as follows:

Value The Value format will depend on the Field. See below table for examples.

Available Fields

The following table details the Field variables that are typically configured in /BTI/TE_RE_STEPC. The Fields at the top of the list are the ones that are more likely to be widely used.

Available Field Value Other Information
GROUPID Value will be the Group GUID from /BTI/TE_GROUPS Refer to this online FAQ for a configuration example
TYPEID Value will be the Type GUID from /BTI/TE_TYPE Refer to this online FAQ for a configuration example
[CUSTOM FIELD NUMBER] eg 510 (custom fields at Transport Form, Business Task and Project level are all supported) Refer to this online FAQ for a configuration example
PROJECTID Value will be the Project GUID from /BTI/TE_PROJ
PHASEID Value will the nnnn Phase ID, from /BTI/TE_PHASE
PHASEID Value will the nnnn Phase ID, from /BTI/TE_PHASE
START_DATE Value will be in YYYYMMDD date format
CLIDEP Value will be X for client dependent Typically used to avoid the symptom described in this online FAQ
[RISK GROUP] eg BT0001 Value will be 1-digit number – for the Risk Level Refer to this online FAQ for a configuration example
PRIORITY Value will be 1, 2, 3 or 4 (Low, Normal, High, Critical respectively) Typical use case is for high priority changes to skip certain approval points, or stop for additional approvals, depending on the Customer’s process
TESTERID Value would be something like JSMITH. Refer to this online FAQ article for a configuration example.
REFERENCE Value will be the Business Task Reference field value, eg CRQ0001293
CAPTION Value would be a text string.
NUM_OBJECTS Possible use case would be to stop transports containing high numbers of objects for additional approval
PATH Value would be something like 02 (ie the 2-digit number of the path, from /BTI/TE_PATH
TARGET Value would be something like 0005 (ie the 4-digit number of the path, from /BTI/TE_TARG
TRKORR Value would be something like ACDK904698.
CREATION_DATE Possible user case could be used to drive an additional approval on transports older than X years
CREATION_TIME CREATION_DATE is probably more likely to be used.
CREATED_BY This is the username of the person that created the AC Transport Form.Value would be something like RROBB.
REQUESTOR This is the username of the person that created the SAP transport. Value would be something like JBARTER. Possible use case would be to force additional approval on transports created by certain users (eg external consultants). Refer to this online FAQ article for a configuration example.

Available Operators

Operator Description Other Information
= Equals Note, if you want to create a condition based on a field being blank, you would use the Operator = and the Value “”
<> Not Equals Note, if you want to create a condition based on a field not being blank, you would use the Operator <> and the Value “”
< Less than
<= Less than or Equal To
> Greater than
>= Greater than or Equal To
IN Within a range of Values Please refer to this online FAQ article for example configuration of a Range based IN operation.
INITIAL Checking if a field is blank
NOTINITIAL Checking if a field is not blank

Custom Field’s supported

Field Type \ Supported ? Transport Form Business Task Project
Text Supported Supported Supported
Dropdown Supported Supported Supported
Checkbox Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Date Supported Supported Supported
Time Supported Supported Supported
User Selection Supported Supported Supported
Selection List Supported Supported Supported
Option (Radio Button) Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Calculated Supported Supported Supported


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