The standard inbound integration process flows would be:
- Create/Change a Business Task in ActiveControl
Creating or changing a Business Task requires simple calls to the appropriate web service. When changing a Business Task, the current field values should be read first to ensure changed data is not overwritten. The process flow should therefore be:
- Approve a Business Task
When approving a Business Task it is important that the Task Analysis is completed to first to ensure that the approval can take place safely. The approval web service will not stop the approval if analysis results are ignored. The process flow for approving a Business Task in ActiveControl should therefore be:
- The analysis results for a Business Task can be retrieved for any specific Target/Location by calling the Analysis Read web service
- Enter test results for a Business Task
When entering test results for a Business Task, it must be decided if this result is simply being saved or saved and approved. Only by using the save and approve will the change move to the following control point in the Path.
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