Prior to ActiveControl 8.0, it was only possible to define Inbox / Outbox approvers within ActiveControl based around the Transport Form [Group] field. Some customers – particularly larger enterprises with more complex organisational structures – told us that this Approval structure could sometimes be limiting, and that they would like the flexibility to be able to assign Approvers more granularly, such as

1) Different Approvers for CRs and Incidents (ie Business Task [Types].
2) Different Approvers for transports relating to different Projects.

ActiveControl 8.0 enables this increased flexibility, via the Approvals consumer that forms part of the core Rules Engine. It should be noted that this increased flexibility comes at the cost of increased configuration – as it requires several backend tables to be configured. For customers that do not want to use the Approvals consumer within the Rules Engine, they can simply continue to use the existing Approvals configuration done via the Windows GUI Target screens. It is not possible to use a mixture of the Rules Engine approvers and WIndows GUI approver structure.


Table /BTI/TE_RE_APPRV is the consumer table for Approver rules. If you want to have Inbox and Outbox Approvers in your workflow based on fields other than the Transport Form [Group] field, then this is where you define them.

Field Description
Filter (optional) Please refer to Filter section.
System Type System Type as defined in /BTI/TE_RE_SYSTP. You can create rules based on either System Type/Location combination OR Target/Location. You cannot create a rule with both System Type and Target.
Target Target number, as defined in Windows GUI configuration. You can create rules based on either System Type/Location combination OR Target/Location. You cannot create a rule with both System Type and Target.
Location I (Inbox), Q (Import Queue), T (Test Queue) or O (Outbox)
User Group User Group, as per configuration in /BTI/TE_ROLEU table.
Group Type The current available Group Types supported are detailed in table below.
Step The overarching Rule (Step) configured in /BTI/TE_RE_RULES.

Group Types

Group Type Description
ROLE If you want your Approvals to be based on the Users defined against the User Role (as stored in /BTI/TE_ROLEU / /BTI/TE_ROLEUX)
PROJECT If you want your Approvals to be based on the Users maintained against a Role on a particular Project (as stored in /BTI/TE_PROJU)
TASK If you want your Approvals to be based on the Users maintained against a Role on a particular Business Task (as stored in /BTI/TE_TASKU)


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