The performance of some functionality within ActiveControl can inevitably slow down over time, particularly in organisations delivering large volumes of transports through their SAP landscape. To avoid performance degradation over time, Basis Technologies recommend some simple housekeeping activities be performed periodically within ActiveControl.
1. Perform periodic Data Archiving
Data archiving can be performed to remove old data from the system. See proceeding “Data Archiving” section for more details on this process.
2. Review / remove non-required ‘in-flight’ transports
SAP best practice is always to move every transport through the entire SAP landscape to keep every system in sync, however the reality is that almost all SAP customers do not always do this. Basis Technologies therefore recommend a regular review of transports that have been stopped half-way through your landscape, and if it certain that they will never be moved further through the SAP landscape, to consider deleting them from ActiveControl.
Step | Activity |
1 | Run the Transport Locn by Date/Obj/Project/Ownr report. On the report selection criteria screen, enter wide start/end dates to ensure you capture all transports. |
2 | In the report output screen, sort the results by the [Time In (SID)] column. |
3 | Review the oldest transports sitting in each System, and verify if 1) whether they are valid changes that still need to be moved through landscape in the future or 2) whether they are never going to be moved. |
4 | For all transports that fall into the latter category and are never going to be moved, do a Look For / Locate for each transport within the Windows GUI and delete them from ActiveControl (using File > Delete (Just Remove The Items From the {Control Point}. |
3. Set Ignore attributes on Transports
Certain ActiveControl analysis checks analyse all transports logged within ActiveControl, including those that have already reached your Production system. To avoid this becoming a performance issue over time, it is possible to set a couple of “IGNORE” flag attributes on transports so that they are excluded from specific ActiveControl Analysis Checks.
Basis Technologies recommend doing this activity periodically on transports that have been moved through your entire landscape, to avoid the analysis checks slowing down.
3.1 Attribute: YBT_TE_IGNORE
Can be used to remove transports from the Conflict Analysis check.
Scenario | Recommended Activity |
Single Track Landscape | Whenever a transport reaches Production, run Program /BTI/TE_RU002 in each of your development systems to assign attribute YBT_TE_IGNORE to all the transports included in that Project release so they are no longer considered during conflict analysis. |
Multi-Track Landscape | Whenever a Project Release reaches Production, run Program /BTI/TE_RU002 in each of your development systems to assign attribute YBT_TE_IGNORE to all the transports included in that Project release so they are no longer considered during conflict analysis. |
Can be used to remove transports from the Overtake/Regression checks.
Step | Activity |
1 | Within the Windows GUI, locate the oldest ‘in-flight’ transport (i.e. the one with the earliest release date/time) in a system landscape, by manually checking each Control Point in in the path. |
2 | Any transport that has reached Production that has a release date/time older than this in-flight transport can have the OVERTAKE_IGNORE attributes set since there is no risk of an overtake/regression issue. |
3 | Run Transport Activity Report in the Windows GUI Dashboard to identify all transports that have been imported to Production already. Sort by Release Date to identify all the transports that were released before the oldest in-flight transport that you identified in previous Step. |
4 | Run program /BTI/TE_RU002 in each of your Development systems to assign attribute YBT_TE_OVERTAKE_IGNORE to all the transports identified in previous step, so they are no longer included in overtake/regression analysis check calculations. |
5 | Repeat for each of your SAP system landscapes |
Note: Attribute EXPTIMESTAMP must exist in the development system in order for the attribute update to be successful. If this doesn’t exist, run RSWBO006 and copy the settings for EXPORT_TIMESTAMP to EXPTIMESTAMP.
4. Review / remove unnecessary Open transports
Unless ActiveControl has been specifically configured to prevent it, your organisation may have a gradual build-up of open transports in your Development systems which have either been forgotten about or deliberately not been released and moved through your SAP landscape.
Step | Activity |
1 | Run the Open Transports by System & Change Date report to capture a list of all historical open transports. |
2 | Extract this list and review with the Transport Owners, to validate if the transports are likely to be progressed in the future. |
3 | For the transports that are not expected to be progressed, request that the Transport Owners delete them from SAP. For the ones that already have a corresponding Transport Form, also delete them from ActiveControl (using File > Delete (Permanently Delete…) in the Windows GUI. |
5. Do not configure unnecessary Production Outbox
Some ActiveControl customers set-up a Production outbox to act as an easy way of viewing all transports that have gone to Production. The downside of this is that none of the Tasks to which these Transports are assigned are ever marked as “Completed” within ActiveControl. Basis Technologies would recommend not to have a Production outbox unnecessarily, and if one already exists and is not being used as a control point to a subsequent target system, to approve everything out of it.
6. Hide all inactive SAP Paths
If a SAP landscape path is no longer actively being used, deactivate it within ActiveControl so that any transports that only exist in that path are not included in the ActiveControl Analysis Checks.
Step | Activity* |
1 | Within Windows GUI Configuration screen, change the status of any transport paths not being used to “Cannot be assigned to new transports, not visible within ActiveControl” |
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