All ActiveControl web services and API’s expect the ActiveControl internal field values to be supplied for them to function correctly. These internal ID’s can be found in the following configuration and transactional tables:
WS field | Table | Field | Description |
Groupid | /BTI/TE_GROUPS | GROUPID | Task Group ID (Use CLASS = TASK) |
Typeid | /BTI/TE_TYPE | ID | Task Type ID (Use CLASS = TASK) |
Projectid | /BTI/TE_PROJ | ID | Project ID |
Statdepl | /BTI/TE_TASKSTAT | STATID | Deployment Status (Use STATTYPE = DS) |
Statplan | /BTI/TE_TASKSTAT | STATID | Planning Status Use STATTYPE = PS) |
XTarget, Targetid | /BTI/TE_TARG | TARGET | Target ID |
Path | /BTI/TE_PATH | PATH | Path ID |
XAnalysisId, YAnalysisid | /BTI/TE_ANLTYPE | ANLTYPID | Analysis Type ID |
Targetroleid | /BTI/TE_TARGROLE | ID | Target Role ID |
Id, Taskid | /BTI/TE_TASK | ID | Task ID |
XAnltypeid /BTI/TE_ANLRUN | ANALYSISRUN | ID | Analysis Run ID |
Reason | /BTI/TE_ANREASON | REASON | Reason ID |
Other mapping and web service fields:
WS Field | Description |
XLocation | Location (Possible values: I – Inbox, Q – Import Queue, T – Test Queue, O – Outbox) |
Priority | Priority (Possible values: 1 – Low, 2 – Normal, 3 – High, 4 – Urgent) |
Locked | Locked (Flag values: X and SPACE) |
XRescode | Test Result (Possible values: 0 – Testing Successful, 1 – Problem Found, 2 – Information, 3 – Waiting, 4 – Bypass Testing) |
XClose | Close and Approve testing (Flag values: X and SPACE) |
XDescription | Task long description |
XTask, YTask | Structure for the main task field details |
Caption | Task short description / subject |
Reference | Task unique reference number (e.g. ticket, defect, change request number) |
Testerid | SAP user id of the main task tester |
Statdeplman | Flag to indicate that the task deployment status is manually set rather than allowing ActiveControl to set it (Flag values: X and SPACE) |
Statplanman | Flag to indicate that the task planning status is manually set rather than allowing ActiveControl to set it (Flag values: X and SPACE) |
Systemid | SAP system ID |
XtCustfields, YtCustfields | Task custom field values structure formatted as a list of: • Id – Custom field ID • Value – Custom field value |
XtTesters, YtTesters | Task testers structure to list the testers for the task |
XUpdateCustfields | Flag to indicate whether the task Custom Fields are to be updated (Flag values: X and SPACE) |
XUpdateDesc | Flag to indicate whether the task Description are to be updated (Flag values: X and SPACE) |
XUpdateTesters | Flag to indicate whether the task Testers are to be updated (Flag values: X and SPACE) |
XUpddateTask | Flag to indicate whether the task main fields (in XTask) are to be updated (Flag values: X and SPACE) |
YProblems | Flag to indicate whether any analysis issues were found (Flag values: X and SPACE) |
YRunning | Flag to indicate whether any analysis is still running or not (Flag values: X and SPACE) |
XComment | Test to enter a free text comment during test results entry |
XtRequest – Trkorr | A list of SAP transports to be analysed / approved |
YReturn | WS call return structure to pass back messages and errors |
Msgtyp | Type of message returned from the WS call (Possible values: E – Error, W – Warning, I – Information, S/Blank – Success) |
Msgid | ID of the message returned from the WS call |
Msgnum | Number of the message returned from the WS call |
Message | Message text returned from the WS call |
Msgv1 – 4 | Further message texts returned from the WS call |
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