Report of the Secretary to Synod Assembly 2022 (Part I)
Synod Council 2021 — 2022 Actions
(Since last report to Synod Assembly)


VOTED SC 21.9.1
The Council accepted the Finance Committee recommendation that of the $30,000 gift from Calvary, Brandywine, $15,000 be designated Synod Reserves and that the remaining $15,000 be left undesignated.

VOTED SC 21.9.2
The Council accepted the Finance Committee recommendation that the document named 2022WVWMDSynodBudget.pdf be presented at Synod Assembly 2021 as Synod Council’s recommended budget for FY2022/2023.

VOTED SC 21.09.3
Council approved an amendment to the motion to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendations that the Synod Council increase the recommended base salary for pastors by 6.2% in 2022, bringing the base salary to $37,861, and that in the providing of a housing allowance, the housing allowance be the fair market rental value for unfurnished housing including utilities in the congregation’s community is amended to the following

increase the recommended base salary for pastors by 6.2% in 2022, bringing the base salary to $37,861 to $36,730 in 2022 and to no less than $37,860 in 2023.

VOTED SC 21.9.4
Council approved an amendment to the motion to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendations that Synod Council increase the recommended base salary for pastors to $36,730 in 2022 and to no less than $37,860 in 2023, and that in the providing of a housing allowance, the housing allowance be the fair market rental value for unfurnished housing including utilities in the congregation’s community is amended to the following

the housing allowance be the fair market rental value for unfurnished housing appropriate to the pastor’s household size including utilities in the congregation’s community.

VOTED SC 21.9.5
Council approved the following Finance Committee recommendation with amendments:
that Synod Council increase the recommended base salary for pastors to $36,730 in 2022 and to no less than $37,860 in 2023, and that in providing of a housing allowance, the housing allowance be the fair market rental value for unfurnished housing appropriate to the pastor’s household size including utilities in the congregation’s community.

VOTED SC 21.9.6
Synod Council approved the Finance Committee’s recommendation that Synod Council asks congregations who are not yet giving 9.39% of their total congregational giving to the Synod to increase their giving to this level, and while asking congregations who are at, or exceeding, this level to not decrease their nominal contribution.

VOTED SC 21.9.7
Council approved the recommendation from the Finance Committee that Synod Council direct the treasurer to make the following changes to our investment portfolio: investments, excluding those in the ELCA endowment fund, which are either undesignated or which are designated Synod Reserves, be split and invested this way — $50,000 should be placed in a two-year CD with Mission Investment Fund, and the remainder should be invested with Vanguard.

VOTED SC 21.9.8
Synod Council nominated Brian Crawford for the Synod Treasurer position.

VOTED SC 21.9.9
The Council approved en bloc the following By Laws Committee recommendations for continuing resolutions

CR 7.03. Resolutions submitted to Reference & Counsel shall be sponsored by at least two voting members of the Synod Assembly. For the purposes of this rule, when submission is in anticipation of the annual meeting of the Synod Assembly, verified registration as a voting member shall delineate standing.

CR 7.04. For both resolutions and memorials reviewed by Reference & Counsel under B17.16 or CR7.02,

a) When Reference & Counsel has recommended the adoption of the resolution/memorial, the committee’s recommendation and text of the resolution/memorial shall be the main motion before the assembly.

b) When Reference & Counsel has recommended the adoption of a substitute for the resolution/memorial, the committee’s recommendation, including the committee’s text, shall be the main motion before the assembly.

c) When Reference & Counsel has recommended referral of the resolution/memorial, the committee’s recommendation shall be the main motion before the assembly.

d) When Reference & Counsel has recommended that the assembly decline to consider a proposed resolution, the voting member’s resolution, if then moved by that voting member and seconded, shall be the main motion and the committee’s recommendation shall be received as information.

e) When Reference & Counsel has recommended that the assembly decline to consider a proposed memorial, the memorial, if then moved by a voting member who is also a voting member of the memorializing body and seconded, shall be the main motion and the committee’s recommendation shall be received as information.

CR 7.05. The Committee on Resolutions, except in cases where a report has been assigned to another committee or the committee is ordered otherwise by the assembly or the Synod Council, shall review all published reports and oral reports submitted to this Assembly. The committee may offer at its discretion such resolutions in response as seem appropriate.

CR 2.04. Chairs of committees, commissions, and task forces who are not otherwise voting members of the assembly shall be seated with voice but without vote.

VOTED SC 21.9.10
Council approved the motion to accept the audit report for year ending 2016.

VOTED SC 21.9.11
Synod Council approved the motion to require masks for all indoor events at Synod Assembly 2021.


VOTED SC 21.9.12
MOTION: to allow Synod Council to empower ExComm to develop and implement a plan for vaccination requirement and enforcement for Synod Assembly 2021, provided ExComm is of the opinion that it is reasonably doable.
METHOD: mail vote
YAE: Paul Wangerin, Norma Gensler, Abigail Spray, Emilie Theobald-Rowlands, Jason Felici, Michael Wright, Nancy Weeks, Pam Pritt, Ruth Bullwinkle.
NAY: Joe Solberg, Bill Ridenhour, Debby Borrelli, Elizabeth Rini, Andrea Brock
Registering Abstention: Matthew Riegel
Not responding: Mary Sanders
Total: 9 in favor and 5 opposed. With a veto striking down the question under CR5.01, the motion fails.


VOTED SC 21.11.01
The Council approved the following bishop’s recommendations en bloc.

  • Recommendation #1 (ll.51-55) — To renew on-leave-from-call status on the roster of Ministers of Word and Sacrament for The Rev. Andrea Ernest, The Rev. Emilie Theobald-Rowlands, and The Rev. James Wicker.
  • Recommendation #2 (ll.57-76) — That is be entered into the record that the extended ecumenical service of The Revs. Roland Nairn, Philp Van Dam, John Unger, William Ridenhour, Jason Felici, and Jessica Felici has been reviewed.
  • Recommendation #3 (ll.78-84) — That is be entered into the record that the extended ecumenical service of The Revs. Susan Claytor and Peter Vial has been reviewed.
  • Recommendation #4 (ll.89-91) — That is be entered into the record that the CBCR/ELCA 8.63 local altar & pulpit fellowship accorded to The Revs. John “Jack” Jackson and Michael Giese has been reviewed.

VOTED SC 21.11.02
Council approved the bishop’s recommendation #5 (ll.148-150) — That the Ad Hoc Committee on Bylaws be ordered to propose to the Synod Council legislation that would establish a standing committee for the work normally associated with a bylaws committee.

Rev. William Ridenhour moved for Synod Council to order the next Synod Assembly be held in 2023 2022 at the Mon County 4H center in Morgantown. An attempt shall be made to reserve said facility for Saturday June 3, 2023, with flexibility to move to another date as close to June 3, 2023 June 4, 2022, as reasonably possible.

After a second, Rev. Jason Felici amended the motion: for Synod Council to order the next Synod Assembly be held in 2023 2022 at the Mon County 4H center in Morgantown. An attempt shall be made to reserve said facility for Saturday June 3, 2023 June 4, 2022 with flexibility to move to another date as close to June 3, 2023 June 4, 2022, as reasonably possible.

VOTED SC 21.11.03
Council approved the amended motion for Synod Council to order the next Synod Assembly to be held in 2022 at the Mon County 4 center in Morgantown. An attempt shall be made to reserve said facility for Saturday, June 4, 2022, with flexibility to move to another date as close to June 4, 2022, as reasonably possible.

VOTED SC.21.11.04
Council approved the motion to direct the By-Laws Committee to review the challenges endured by the 2021 Synod Assembly Committee on Reference and Counsel and draft any new rules it deems appropriate for consideration so that any new rules will govern the next synod assembly.

VOTED SC21.11.05
Council voted to appoint Bruce Dalton to the Executive Committee.


VOTED SC 21.11.06
The Council unanimously approved the appointment of the Rev. Kevin Mackey to fill the clergy position for the Ohio-Kanawha Valley Conference that was left vacant with the resignation of the Rev. Emilie Theobald-Rowlands. Voting in the affirmative: Andrea Brock, Debbie Borelli, the Rev. Ruth Bullwinkle, Norma Gensler, the Rev. Jason Felici, Pam Pritt, the Rev. William Ridenhour, the Rt. Rev. Matthew Riegel, Elizabeth Rini, Mary Sanders, Joe Solberg, Abigail Spray, Paul Wangerin, Nancy Weeks, and the Rev. Michael Wright. Voting in the negative: none. Abstentions: none.


VOTED SC 22.01.01
The Council approved the bishop’s recommendation that Pr. Ruth Bullwinkle (MVMC), Mary Sanders (MVMC), Pr. Karen Erskine-Valentine (PC), William “Bill” Ack (PC), Pr. Sean Smith (UOVC), Pr. Ian Reid (OKVC), John Perry (OKVC), and Lois Gray (UOVC) be appointed to the Nominating Committee. The Executive Committee is authorized to make vacancy appointments.

VOTED SC 22.01.02
The Council approved the bishop’s recommendation that the Executive Committee be charged with local arrangements for Synod Assembly 2022 and be given authority to act on such matters except for setting of the registration fee.

VOTED SC 22.01.03
The Council approved the motion to have no fee charged for the 2022 Synod Assembly.

VOTED SC 22.01.04
The Council approved the motion to allow Nancy Week’s signature on the Synod checks.

VOTED SC 22.01.05
The Council approved the motion to allow Rev. Tony Setley’s signature on the Synod checks.

VOTED SC 22.01.06
The Council approved the motion to allow CLP to send a mass mailing campaign to Synod congregations.

VOTED SC 22.01.07
The Council approved the Bylaws Committee’s recommendation to amend the following continuing resolution CR7.03 with the new added text in italics

CR7.03. Resolutions submitted to Reference & Counsel, under B7.16 or CR7.02, shall be sponsored by at least two voting members of the Synod Assembly, a voting member being limited to sponsoring a maximum of five resolutions. For the purposes of this rule, when submission is in anticipation of the annual meeting of the Synod Assembly, verified registration as a voting member shall delineate standing.

VOTED SC 22.01.08
The Council approved to amend CR7.04 to correct a typographical error

CR7.04. For both resolutions and memorials reviewed by Reference & Counsel under B17.16 B7.16 or CR7.02, …

VOTED SC 22.01.09
Council approved the recommendation to establish a standing committee on bylaws with the following continuing resolution

CR8.01. There shall be a Bylaws Committee, which shall be a standing committee, the members of which shall be appointed by the Synod Council, with those duties and prerogatives normally associated with a bylaws committee, including, but not limited to, regular review of the governing documents of the synod, recommendation of amendment of the same to the Synod Assembly or the Synod Council, and execution of referrals by the Synod Assembly or the Synod Council.

VOTED SC 22.01.10
The Council approved the bishop’s recommendation that Jason Felici, Matthew Riegel, and Laurel Muhly-Alexander be appointed to the standing committee on bylaws.

VOTED SC 22.01.11
The Council approved the bishop’s recommendation for the following

  • that The Rev. Michael Wright be granted on-leave-from-call status with the following conditions:
  • that Wright attempt enrollment and enroll, if accepted, in Critical Pastoral Education (CPE);
  • that Wright in absence of or in conjunction with CPE, depending upon the CPE program, continue or enter counseling;
  • that Wright take steps to continue or enter marital counseling;
  • that Wright make appropriate arrangements for the care of his wife; and
  • that Wright be allowed to supply preach/preside and/or perform other limited ministerial functions at the discretion of the bishop and under such conditions as the bishop may deem appropriate in light of specific circumstances.

APRIL 2022

VOTED SC 22.4.12
The Council approved the absences of Rev. Kevin Mackey and Rev. William Ridenhour.

VOTED SC 22.4.13
The Council approved the Bishop’s recommendation that the Rev. Philip Van Dam be granted retired status on the roster of Ministers of Word & Sacrament.

VOTED SC 22.4.14
The Council approved the Bishop’s recommendation that The Revs. Timothy Spence and Nancy Knol be reappointed to the Tri-Synod Archives Board of Directors.

VOTED SC 22.4.15
The Council approved the Bishop’s recommendation that the Rev. Darick Biondi be authorized for extended ecumenical service to Cross of Grace, Hurricane, pursuant to CBCR/ELCA 8.63.02, effective upon concurrence of the Bishop of the West Virginia Conference, United Methodist Church.

VOTED SC 22.4.16
The Council approved the Bishop’s recommendation that the Rev. Roger Dalman be authorized for altar and pulpit fellowship pursuant to CBCR/ELCA 8.64.

VOTED SC 22.4.17
The Council approved the Bishop’s recommendation that the Synod Assembly offering be designated for Madagascar consistent with the campaign underway.

VOTED SC 22.4.18
The Council approved the motion for Synod Assembly 2022 to follow all CDC and local health department standards for COVID-19 protocols.

VOTED SC 22.4.19
The Council approved the recommendation to appoint Jim Nichols and Nancy Weeks to the WVU Chapel Board of Directors. They will each complete an unexpired term and then a three-year term to the board. The recommendation passed with one abstention from Nancy Weeks.

VOTED SC 22.4.20
The Council approved Mary Sanders’ recommendation to appoint Dawn Washington to the CLP Board of Directors.

May 2022

VOTED SC 22.5.21
Council approved the motion to present the proposed budget for FY 2023-24 as presented to the Synod Assembly 2022.

VOTED SC 22.5.22
Council approved the motion to hire Grace Riegel to serve as a Synod office assistant @ $15.00 per hour on the “purchase to serve” basis. Vote was unanimous with Bishop Riegel abstaining due to a conflict of interest.

VOTED SC 22.5.23
Council approved the motion to amend Bishop Riegel’s housing allowance for FY 2022 to $32,000, an increase of $18,000 being added to the budgeted amount of $14,000; motion includes a subsequent decrease of $18,000 in the previous budgeted salary amount. Vote was unanimous with Bishop Riegel abstaining due to a conflict of interest.

VOTED SC 22.5.24
Council approved the motion to set the compensation level for licensed readers at $75 for the first service and $25 for each additional service plus IRS mileage compensation.

VOTED SC 22.5.25
Council approved the motion to recommend adoption of the changes to the Synod Bylaws to Synod Assembly 2022.

Recorded by Norma Gensler, WV-WMD Synod Secretary


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