Thirty-fourth Annual Assembly

4 June 2022

Monongalia County Extension Services & 4-H Center
Mylan Park
270 Mylan Park Lane
Morgantown, WV 26501

MEETING I: 10:00 – 11: 30AM


RITE FOR THE OPENING OF THE ASSEMBLY – Bishop Matthew Riegel declared the assembly in session at 10:14 AM.

REPORT OF THE REGISTRATION COMMITTEE – Rev. Patrice Weirick declared 77 voting members, 1 advisory member, and 10 visitors in attendance. Bishop Riegel declared a quorum.

Bishop Riegel introduced Deacon Mary Ann Schwabe, Executive for Synod Relations from the ELCA.

VOTED SA22.06.01
The Assembly voted to accept the Rules of the Assembly as printed in the 2022 Pre-Assembly Bulletin of Reports (Section 4.2).

VOTED SA22.06.02
The Assembly adopted the agenda as printed in the 2022 Pre-Assembly Bulletin of Reports (Section 4.1).

Rev. Ruth Bullwinkle reports per B9.04 of the Synod Bylaws, the Nominating Committee submits the following nominations:

  • for Synod Council — Ohio-Kanawha Valley Conference — Clergy, Tom Darr and Kevin L. Mackey
  • for Synod Council — Potomac Conference — Clergy, Jason Felici and John Unger
  • for Synod Council — Upper Ohio Valley Conference — Clergy, Sean Smith and William “Bill” Ridenhour
  • for Synod Council — Mon Valley-Mountain Conference — Laity, John B. Knoll and Stephanie Setley
  • for Synod Council — Youth, Andrew “A.J.” Becket and Tiana Tauber
  • for Consultation Committee — Clergy, Ruth Bullwinkle and Thomas Darr
  • for Consultation Committee — Laity (male), Harry “Chap” Holbert and John B. Knoll
  • for Consultation Committee — Laity (female), Lois Broyles and Sylvia “Sue” Hoffman
  • for Consultation Committee — Laity (female MVMC), Mary Sanders and Darla Stemple
  • for Discipline Committee — Clergy, Jason Felici and Sean Smith
  • for Discipline Committee — Laity, Cheryl K. Stemple and Richard “Dick” Strickler

The bishop called for floor nominations, and when there were none, he closed the nominations.

With Paul Wangerin, vice-president now presiding, the bishop gave his report honoring church anniversaries as well as pastoral anniversaries.

Church Anniversaries
225 Years — Mount Hope Lutheran Church, Franklin, WV
125 Years (Quasquicentennial) — St Paul Lutheran Church, Morgantown, WV

Pastor Anniversaries
5 Sherri L Schafer
10 Jason N Felici
10 Jessica L. Felici
15 Ian Bradstreet Reid
15 Jacqueline L Campbell
25 William C Ridenhour
30 David A Twedt
30 Linda M Muhly
60 Larry M Cantú

The bishop acknowledged new pastors to the Synod as well as in memoriam for the Rev. Don Thomas and the Rev. Scott Robinson.

With the concern of how our Synod will continue with word and sacrament, the bishop referred to his written report from the Pre-Assembly Bulletin of Reports and spoke to the need not only for recruiting new pastors but also to change the way one looks at a church pastor’s duties.
At 11:15 AM, Rev. Jess Felici called for the Orders of the Day for the first general ballot.

Rev. Patrice Weirick reported the following numbers: 82 voting, 1 advisory, and 12 visitors.

After the first ballot was distributed and collected, the meeting adjourned for lunch at 11:29 AM.

MEETING II: 1:00 – 4:15 PM

Bishop Riegel called the meeting in session at 1:07 PM by reintroducing the speaker, Deacon Mary Ann Schwabe from the ELCA who brought greetings from the ELCA, reported on
the work of the ELCA, and spoke to the bishop’s report.

Vice President Paul Wangerin’s written report is found in the Pre-Assembly Bulletin of Reports (section 5.3). He noted the work of the Synod Council and the upcoming council retreat that will include not only the present members but also new members.

Treasurer Brian Crawford explained the proposed budget for FY 2023-24 (Pre-Assembly Bulletin of Reports, section 5.4).

It was moved by The Rev. Tony Setley and seconded that the Synod suspend and withhold as in escrow, all mission support money apportioned to be distributed to the ELCA until the bishop of the Sierra Pacific Synod, the Rev. Megan Rohrer, is no longer actively serving as bishop OR until they are brought up on disciplinary charges, whichever comes first. The bishop ruled the motion germane and in good order, taking it as a motion to amend something previously adopted, i.e., the FY2022-2023 budget. During debate, a member asked the bishop to speak as bishop and not as chair to the current state of the of the situation in Sierra-Pacific Synod and explain the disciplinary processes.

Bishop Riegel turned the chair to Vice-President Wangerin in order to answer members’ questions. The bishop’s time elapsed, and the assembly agreed by unanimous consent that Bishop Riegel would be allowed more than the five-minute limit for addressing the motion. The bishop resumed the chair.

VOTED SA22.06.03
The Assembly voted to approve the Rev. Tony Setley’s motion that the Synod suspend and withhold as in escrow, all mission support money apportioned to be distributed to the ELCA until the bishop of the Sierra Pacific Synod, the Rev. Megan Rohrer, is no longer actively serving as bishop OR until they are brought up on disciplinary charges, whichever comes first. The vote was 59 yays and 16 against with 7 abstentions. Fifty-five votes were needed to pass.

Secretary Gensler, on behalf of the Synod Council moved adoption of the proposed budget for FY2023-2024 as presented in the Bulletin of Reports. It was moved by The Rev. Timothy Spence and seconded to amend the budget for 2023-2024 by transferring $50.00 for the 2023 synodical budget surplus to the line for support of the Tri-Synod Archives and reduce the surplus to $30.31.

The assembly was at ease from 2:23 to 2:27 PM in order to draft a budget amendment.

VOTED SA22.06.04
The Assembly approved to amend the budget for 2023-2024 by transferring $50.00 for the 2023 synodical budget surplus to the line for support of the Tri-Synod Archives and reduce the surplus to $30.31.

VOTED SA22.06.05
The Assembly approved the Synod Council’s recommendation to adopt the budget for FY 2023-2024 as amended.

BREAK – 2:25-2:40

Bishop Riegel called the meeting back to order at 2:38PM.

Bishop Riegel reported that the secretary’s written report is found in the Pre-Assembly Bulletin of Reports sections 5.3.1-5.3.3.


SYNOD COUNCILCLERGY (OKVC) – 77 legal votes cast with 39 needed for election: Rev. Tom Darr 42 and Rev. Kevin Mackey 35. The bishop declared Rev. Tom Darr as elected.

SYNOD COUNCILCLERGY (Potomac Conference) – 80 legal votes cast with 41 needed for election: Rev. Jason Felici 53 and Rev. John Unger 27. The bishop declared Rev. Jason Felici as elected.

SYNOD COUNCILCLERGY (Upper Ohio Valley Conference) – 76 legal votes cast with 39 needed for election: Rev. Sean Smith 40 and Rev. Bill Ridenhour 36. The bishop declared Rev. Sean Smith as elected.

SYNOD COUNCILLAITY (Mon Valley/Mountain Conference) – 79 legal votes cast with 40 needed for election: John Knoll 63 and Stephanie Setley 16. The bishop declared John Knoll elected.

SYNOD COUNCILYOUTH – 74 votes cast with 38 needed for election: A.J. Beckett 38 and Tiana Tauber 36. The bishop declared A.J. Beckett elected.

CONSULTATION COMMITTEECLERGY – 80 votes cast with 41 needed for election: Rev. Ruth Bullwinkle 57 and Rev. Tom Darr 23. The bishop declared the Rev. Ruth Bullwinkle elected.

CONSULTATION COMMITTEELAITY MALE –77 legal votes cast with 39 needed for election: John Knoll 45 and Harry “Chap” Holbert 32. The bishop declared John Knoll elected.

CONSULTATION COMMITTEELAITY FEMALE – 77 legal votes cast with 39 needed for election: Lois Broyles 44 and Sue Hoffman 33. The bishop declared Lois Broyles elected.

CONSULTATION COMMITTEE –LAITY FEMALE (Mon Valley/Mtn Conference) —78 legal votes cast with 40 needed for election: Mary Sanders 48 and Darla Stemple 30. The bishop declared Mary Sanders elected.

DISCIPLINE COMMITTEECLERGY – 77 legal votes cast with 39 needed for election: Rev. Jason Felici 42 and Rev. Sean Smith 35. The bishop declared Rev. Jason Felici elected.

DISCIPLINE COMMITTEELAITY – 76 legal votes cast with 39 needed for election: Cheryl K. Stemple 44 and Dick Strickler 32. The bishop declared Cheryl K. Stemple elected.


Rev. Tim Spence moved the following recommendation from the Resolutions Committee:

Whereas, The work for the West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod continues during times that the Synodical Bishop is called away to the work for the larger Church; and

Whereas, The time of the bishop is valuable and best exercised doing that work for which he is most gifted; therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Synod Assembly of the West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod encourages the Synod Council of the West Virginia – Western Maryland Synod to continue to explore ways to add limited support staff to assist the bishop and the Synod in the day-to-day management of the Synod’s work.

During debate, it was moved by The Rev. Paul Schafer and seconded to refer back to the committee with instructions to strengthen the language.

VOTED SA22.06.06
The motion to refer the resolution back to committee in order to “strengthen” the language failed.

It was moved by Secretary Gensler and seconded to strike from the resolving paragraph “to continue to explore ways.”

VOTED SA22.06.07
The motion to amend was passed to read

Whereas, The work for the West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod continues during times that the Synodical Bishop is called away to the work for the larger Church; and

Whereas, The time of the bishop is valuable and best exercised doing that work for which he is most gifted; therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Synod Assembly of the West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod encourages the Synod Council of the West Virginia – Western Maryland Synod to continue to explore ways to add limited support staff to assist the bishop and the Synod in the day-to-day management of the Synod’s work.

VOTED SA22.06.08
The resolution as amended carried.

Whereas, The work for the West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod continues during times that the Synodical Bishop is called away to the work for the larger Church; and

Whereas, The time of the bishop is valuable and best exercised doing that work for which he is most gifted; therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Synod Assembly of the West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod encourages the Synod Council of the West Virginia – Western Maryland Synod to add limited support staff to assist the bishop and the Synod in the day-to-day management of the Synod’s work.

VOTED SA22.06.09
The Assembly voted to adopt the second resolution from the committee as follows

Whereas, The past two years have been difficult for many businesses, agencies, institutions, and congregations to maintain active and effective programming, especially during times of leadership vacancies; and

Whereas, The agencies, institutions, organizations, and congregations of the West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod have responded to the difficulties and challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the related economic and social turmoil with creativity and faithfulness; and

Whereas, The work of the Church has continued during this period in new and dynamic ways; and

Whereas, The ministries of the West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod have continued to serve faithfully and to impact their members, communities, stakeholders, and constituencies; therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Synod Assembly of the West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod commends its congregations, agencies, organizations, and institutions for the faithful service they have maintained over the past two years; and

Resolved, That the Synod Assembly especially commends the West Virginia University Lutheran Campus Ministry for their work to maintain ministry and leadership in that setting during the pandemic; and

Resolved, That the West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod in Assembly commends the continued work of the Director or Evangelical Mission to address the various needs of our congregations; and

Resolved, That the Secretary of the West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod be instructed to communicate the sense of this resolution to the relevant agencies, institutions, organizations, and congregations.


VOTED SA22.06.10
The Assembly approved the committee’s recommendation to memorialize the following resolution to the Churchwide Assembly.

Resolution to Memorialize the Churchwide Assembly on the Restructuring of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Whereas, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) was formed in 1988 from three Lutheran church bodies, i.e., the Lutheran Church in America (LCA), the American Lutheran Church (ALC), and the Association Evangelical Lutheran Churches (AELC), with 5.2 million members and 11,133 congregations; and

Whereas, The Commission for a New Lutheran Church, envisioning stability and anticipating growth, developed a structure and polity with three interdependent entities, i.e., the churchwide organization, 65 synods, and 11,133 congregations, organized for the realities of the time; and

Whereas, The leadership of the Commission for a New Lutheran Church expressed an eagerness to form “a new Lutheran church truly committed to the Gospel and organized for effective mission in today’s world”; and

Whereas, Over the last 34 years, the ELCA has decreased in size to 3.1 million members and 8,894 congregations; and

Whereas, The governing documents, constitutions, bylaws, and continuing resolutions of the ELCA do not allow these interdependent entities to reorganize quickly to meet the changing realities for effective mission in today’s world; and

Whereas, The churchwide organization as well as many synods and many congregations, having decreased significantly in size and resources, struggle to meet the expected work as assigned by the governing documents; and

Whereas, The Church Council of the ELCA, through its adoption of Strategic Directions 2025, has called for a “well-governed, connected, and sustainable church”; and

Whereas, It is critical that the stated mission of the ELCA be not only consistent with Lutheran expectations for the institutional church but also realistic with respect to human and fiscal resources; and

Whereas, It is critical that the structure of the ELCA meet the needs of effective mission in today’s changing world; therefore, be it

Resolved, That the West Virginia – Western Maryland Synod in assembly memorialize the 2022 Churchwide Assembly of the Evangelical Church in America to direct the Church Council to establish a Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church that, working in consultation with the Conference of Bishops and the Church Council, shall reconsider the Statements of Purpose for each of the expressions of this church, the Principles of Organization, and all matters pertaining thereunto, presenting its findings to the 2025 Churchwide Assembly in preparation for a reconstituting convention to be called under the rules for a special meeting of the Churchwide Assembly.

The Rev. Jason Felici, Mountain Lutheran Parish, Franklin
The Rev. Jessica Felici, Mountain Lutheran Parish, Franklin
Pamela Pritt, New Hope Lutheran Church, Minnehaha Springs
The Rev. William Ridenhour, First English Lutheran Church, Wheeling
The Rev. Tony Setley, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Morgantown



Secretary Gensler, on behalf of the Synod Council, moved adoption of the bylaw amendments found in the Report of the Bylaws Committee.

VOTED SA22.06.11
The Assembly unanimously adopted the Synod Council’s recommendation of the proposed amendments to the Synod Bylaws as prepared by the Bylaws Committee and are as follows

Recommendation #1

That B9.02, which reads,

B9.02. Ninety days prior to the Synod Assembly, the Nominating Committee shall post on the synod website, shall post on The Bishop’s Roadshow, and shall send to the pastors of the Synod a list of the offices and positions to be filled by election and shall invite nominations for these offices and positions.

be amended by substitution of “Ninety” with “One hundred and twenty (120),” striking of “ and shall invite nominations for these officers and positions,” appending of “under the purview of the Nominating Committee,” and renumbering as “B9.01,” such that the provision shall read,

B9.01. One hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the Synod Assembly, the Nominating Committee shall post on the synod website, shall post on The Bishop’s Roadshow, and shall send to the pastors of the Synod a list of the offices and positions to be filled by election under the purview of the Nominating Committee.

Recommendation #2

That B9.03, which reads,

B9.03. Nominations by pastors, congregational councils, conferences, and voting members of synod congregations, along with the necessary vita information requested by the Nominating Committee, shall be sent to the Nominating Committee within thirty days.

be amended by striking “necessary” and renumbering as “B9.02,” such that the provision shall read,

B9.02. Nominations by pastors, congregational councils, conferences, and voting members of synod congregations, along with the vita information requested by the Nominating Committee, shall be sent to the Nominating Committee within thirty days.

Recommendation #3

That B9.04, which reads,

B9.04. The Nominating Committee shall nominate a minimum of two persons for each office and position to be filled by election, with the exception of those positions assigned to young adults, youth, or persons of color and/or primary language other than English.

be amended by inserting “the vice president and” after “exception of” and before “those positions,” by appending “for which the Nominating Committee shall nominate at least one person,” and by renumbering as “B9.03,” such that the provision shall read,

B9.03. The Nominating Committee shall nominate a minimum of two persons for each office and position to be filled by election, with the exception of the vice president and those positions assigned to young adults, youth, or persons of color and/or primary language other than English, for which the Nominating Committee shall nominate at least one person.

Recommendation #4

To renumber B9.05, which reads,

B9.05. The report of the Nominating Committee, which shall include the names of the committee’s nominees with, at minimum, congregational membership and exposition, shall be published on the synod web site at least ten days prior to the assembly.

as B9.04.

Recommendation #5

To create a bylaw, numbered B9.05, to read,

B9.05. The Nominating Committee include in its report instructions on making floor nominations for all the officers and positions to be elected.

Recommendation #6

To strike B10.07, which reads,

B10.07. From within its membership, including such other members of the synod as desired, the Synod Council shall appoint a Budget and Finance Committee.

Recommendation #7

To amend B11.01, which reads,

B11.01. There shall be a Consultation Committee consisting of twelve (12) persons, of whom three (6) shall be ordained ministers and three (6) shall be laypersons, who shall be elected by the Synod Assembly for a term of six (6) years without consecutive reelection. The bishop of the synod shall be a member of the Consultation Committee ex-officio except in instances when the bishop brings charges against an ordained minister. The responsibilities and procedures of this committee shall be those outlined in Chapter 20 of the constitution of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

by striking “of whom three” through the end of the first sentence and striking the last sentence in its entirety, such that it shall read,

B11.01. There shall be a Consultation Committee consisting of twelve (12) persons. The bishop of the synod shall be a member of the Consultation Committee ex-officio except in instances when the bishop brings charges against an ordained minister.

Recommendation #8

To strike B11.02, which reads,

B11.02. There shall be a Committee on Discipline which shall be composed of twelve (12) persons, of whom six (6) shall be ordained ministers and six (6) shall be laypersons, who shall be elected by the Synod Assembly for a term of six (6) years without consecutive reelection. The bishop shall not be a member of the Committee on Discipline. The responsibilities and procedures of this committee shall be those outlined in Chapter 20 of the constitution of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Recommendation #9

To amend B11.07, which reads,

B11.07. There shall be such operational Committees as deemed necessary by this synod to guide and support the ministry of the synod and its congregations in the various aspects of the Church’s mission. Such committees shall normally be created or disbanded by continuing resolution of the Synod Council, but nothing herein shall preclude the right of the Synod Assembly to create or disband such operational committees by either continuing resolution or bylaw.

by substituting “operational” with “additional,” such that it shall read,

B11.07. There shall be such additional committees as deemed necessary by this synod to guide and support the ministry of the synod and its congregations in the various aspects of the Church’s mission. Such committees shall normally be created or disbanded by continuing resolution of the Synod Council, but nothing herein shall preclude the right of the Synod Assembly to create or disband such operational committees by either continuing resolution or bylaw.

Recommendation #10

To amend B11.12, which reads,

B11.12. Vacancies upon committees, commissions and boards shall be filled by the Synod Council. Vacancies may occur through resignations, death or by a chairperson declaring a vacancy upon a committee, commission or board after two unexcused absences by a member.

by insertion of oxford commas, such that the provision shall read,

B11.12. Vacancies upon committees, commissions, and boards shall be filled by the Synod Council. Vacancies may occur through resignations, death, or by a chairperson declaring a vacancy upon a committee, commission, or board after two unexcused absences by a member.

Recommendation #11

To amend B12.04, which reads,

B12.04. Deans: Deans will be appointed by the bishop in consultation with the pastors of the conference and reviewed annually. Deans are extensions of the bishop and his office in the local setting. The bishop shall consult with the church council(s) of a dean to negotiate specific time for the dean to devote to his/her duties, with a recommendation minimum of one day per month. Deans will not be paid for the performance of their duties, but expenses will be reimbursed by the synod. A dean’s primary duty will be to assist the bishop in providing pastoral care to pastors and congregations.

by substituting “bishop and his” with “bishop’s,” such that the provision shall read,

B12.04. Deans: Deans will be appointed by the bishop in consultation with the pastors of the conference and reviewed annually. Deans are extensions of the bishop’s office in the local setting. The bishop shall consult with the church council(s) of a dean to negotiate specific time for the dean to devote to his/her duties, with a recommendation minimum of one day per month. Deans will not be paid for the performance of their duties, but expenses will be reimbursed by the synod. A dean’s primary duty will be to assist the bishop in providing pastoral care to pastors and congregations.

Assembly at ease from 3:15 to 3:19 in order to distribute a Resolution on Racial Justice

VOTED SA22.06.12
The Assembly approved the Racial Justice team’s resolution concerning Social Justice as presented by Rev. Linda Muhly.

Resolution on Racial Justice
Whereas, The incidence of racial violence continues to increase leading to death and fractured communities; and

Whereas, The biblical witness and the gift of our Baptism include the calling to strive for justice and peace throughout the earth; and

Whereas, Silence in the face of evil can lead to complicity when our silence is perceived as disinterest or lack of commitment; and

Whereas, Our communities in which we serve as the WV-WMD Synod and the ELCA are impacted by racial tension, distrust, misunderstanding and fear; and

Whereas, The tenor of our civil discourse continues to polarize and disconnect people from one another which potentially fuels racist thinking and behavior; and

Whereas, Our brothers and sisters who are People of Color have asked for allies and clear witness against the evil that is racism in our country and within the ELCA; and

Whereas, Racial bias diminishes all people from being the people we are created to be in Christ; therefore, be it

Resolved, That the WV-WMD Synod condemns the racially motivated attacks committed against people of color; and

Resolved, That the WV-WMD Synod commit to utilizing the task force on racial justice to host at least 2 events on synod territory in 2022 and 2023 to encourage conversation and deeper understanding around issues of racial justice; and

Resolved, That the congregations of our synod be encouraged to have one program on racial issues such as a book study or a speaker led event or inviting a panel of leaders in the BIPOC community to share their perspective on our respective local community challenges or another contextual appropriate event.


Rev. Jason Felici expounded on his Camp Luther report found in the Pre-Assembly Bulletin of Reports (section 8.1).

Rev. Ian Reid gave a short report on Madagascar and that the offering from the Mass after the Assembly would be for the benefit of the Madagascar Lutheran Synods.

Rev. Jess Felici informed the Assembly of the upcoming “Home Base” which will be held for our Synod youth as the National Youth Gathering for this summer was cancelled due to COVID-19.

Rev. Rick Egtvedt reported on scouting in our Synod making an appeal for volunteer clergy for the upcoming jamboree to be held near Fayetteville.

Mary Sanders announced the silent auction winners for CLP.

Sherri Schafer gave a brief DEM report.

The bishop adjourned the meeting at 3:58 PM sine die. The meeting was followed by a Mass.

Recorded by
Norma Gensler
Secretary WV-WMD Synod

Last modified: 17 June 2022


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