
To outline how SLSNSW as a Support Agency supports the NSW State Emergency Service (SES) as the Combat Agency during major flood incident response operations.


In the event of a flood event the SLSNSW Flood Response Plan shall be located and followed. All SLSNSW actions will be under the control of the SLSNSW Incident Controller.


SLSNSW is deemed a Support Agency under the NSW Emergency Management Plan (EMPLAN)/Flood Sub-Plan. As such there is an expectation that lifesaving services may assist during major flood events or other major incidents.

The NSW State Emergency Service (NSWSES) is the combat agency for flood response operations.

SLSNSW will be tasked by the NSWSES, through the SLSNSW Incident Controller/SLSNSW State Incident Management Team as per the arrangements between SLSNSW and the NSWSES.

In case of a major flood incident response where SLSNSW services have been requested by the Combat Agency a State Incident Management Team (IMT) might be stood up. The IMT will have its base operation at SLSNSW HQ. In addition – and depending on the severity of the incident – SLSNSW Liaison Officers may be deployed to the NSW State Emergency Operations Centre (SEOC, based at NSWRFS HQ) and/or the NSWSES State Control Centre (SCC, based at NSWSES HQ in Wollongong) and/or other regional or local Incident Control Centres (ICCs).

Lifesaving premises may be requested as local community shelters and/or local Emergency Operation Centres (EOCs) or local Incident Control Centres (ICCs) where the location is suitable and where appropriate inter-agency communication and other facilities are available.

The SLSNSW IMT will collaborate with relevant Branches to identify and task Lifesaving services for deployment.

Local Response Procedure

  • Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES are any independent local deployments of any kind permitted.
  • Deployments will only occur following tasking through the SLSNSW State IMT.
  • State Duty Officer (13SURF) shall notify Branch Duty Officers and the State Operations Centre (if during patrol hours) of directions/information from the SES and required actions.
  • If during patrol hours – close patrolled area and evacuate members of the public from the area.
  • Evacuate personnel and key equipment as necessary from high risk areas following corresponding advice from the NSWSES.
  • Evacuate members and key operational equipment to pre-determined safe location (rally point).
  • Await advice/updates from the State Operations Centre/Duty Officer/NSWSES.
  • Do not undertake any flood SAR activities unless authorised/tasked by the State/Branch Duty Officer (Lifesaving Services to activate and follow Club Coastal Flooding Plan).


SLSNSW Flood Response Plan

Last modified: 25/07/23