To establish the appropriate requirements for the provision of defibrillators.
All personnel required to use defibrillator equipment should be appropriately trained and qualified. All defibrillator equipment should meet SLSA standards.
All NSW SLSCs are to maintain at least one operational AED at all times.
Due to the nature of cardiac arrest and the importance of “time to first shock” it is necessary that the AED is located with other first response equipment (on/in rescue vehicle etc.) or at a common accessible location (patrol tent etc.).
An AED Kit must contain the following items as a minimum:
- AED (SLSA Endorsed) and AED Pads
- Pen and paper
- Small towel (for drying chest)
- Non-alcohol wipes
- Clothing shears (for cutting heavy clothing/wetsuits)
- Disposable razor
- Disposable gloves and resuscitation mask (unless included with the accompanying first aid or oxygen resuscitation kits)
- Water-resistant carry case (waterproof pelican-type case preferred)
SLSA Approved Gear and Equipment Manual
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