
To outline the procedure for ensuring public safety during positioning, launching, and beaching of SLS marine rescue vessels on beaches.


Surf Life Saving NSW (SLSNSW) require additional safety considerations when launching and beaching marine rescue vessels.


Surf Lifesaving Marine Rescue Vessels could pose a hazard due to their size, weight, speed, and a combination thereof. Launching and beaching creates a situation where the vessel may have a lowered level of control.

Vessels shall be positioned on the beach in ‘standby’ and shall launch and beach within pre-determined designated areas demarcated by specific ‘Rescue Craft Access Area’ hazards signs.

Drivers/operators/skippers shall ensure the beach area and immediate water area is clear of patrons prior to launching or beaching the vessel.

In emergency situations marine rescue vessels may be exempted from this requirement but shall ensure risk is minimised to any in-water patrons as best able/appropriate.


SLSA Surf Store/Signage
SLSA Powercraft Manual

Last modified: 25/07/23