
To outline the minimum requirements for a portable RWC first aid kit.


All RWC’s operating within NSW shall carry a first aid kit, consisting of the following items:

Required Minimum
1 Waterproof case/bag
1 Pocket Mask (resuscitation)
1 Resuscitation Face Shield
4 Disposable Gloves (in bag)
2 Tourniquet
1 Emergency Blanket (Space Blanket)
1 Crepe Bandage (10cm)
1 Conforming Bandage (10cm)
1 Medical Shears (scissors)
1 Adhesive Dressing Tape (2.5cm x 5m)
1 Triangular Bandage (90-100cm)
1 Gauze Swabs (7.5cm x 7.5cm)
1 Non-adherent Dressing Pad (10cm x 7.5cm)
1 Waterproof Notepad
1 Pencil


The nature of RWCs and their scope of operations within SLS see them tasked to support existing patrols and respond to remote locations where no patrols exist and/or to locations not accessible via land.
It is essential that the RWC is equipped (at a minimum) with a first aid kit that will enable it to deal with the life-threatening types of medical incidents, being:

  • Resuscitation
  • Severe Bleeding
  • Hypothermia

Accordingly, RWCs (which by nature are short of storage space) do not require the full inventory of first aid equipment as required by a standard patrol, rather they require specific pieces of equipment targeted at the above medical conditions.

Where a non-life-threatening injury occurs at a patrolled location, the patrol will be equipped to deal with such. Where a non-life-threatening injury occurs at a remote location, the RWC will be equipped to secure the patient and prevent any life threatening condition developing while awaiting assistance.

It is also essential that the storage case is of a type that will prevent water ingress, which will destroy the contents of the kit – a robust case is required to make the kit a feasible asset.

Last modified: 27/07/23