To run a Crystal Report using a command, ReCrystallize Server may be called from a script, batch file or another application that does not involve a web browser. Reports may be printed, emailed, or saved to disk.

Using Windows PowerShell, the Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet can initiate a request to ReCrystallize Server.

Example: Run a report named chart.rpt on the local server and save it to disk in the Excel Data Only format:

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://localhost/ReCrystallizeServer/ViewReport.aspx?reportName=chart.rpt&exportFmt=ExcelData&saveTo=chart.xls"

Example: On the local server, export a report named chart.rpt and email the report as a PDF:

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 

Example: On the local server, set the report parameter named dateparm and print to the printer named HP Laserjet:

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 
“http://localhost/ReCrystallizeServer/ViewReport.aspx?reportName=chart.rpt&dateparm=Date(2021,03,15)&serverPrinter=HP Laserjet”

If PowerShell scripts are disabled on the server, they may be enabled by opening PowerShell as Administrator and running

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned 

Similarly, curl may be used from a command line or batch file.

curl "http://localhost/ReCrystallizeServer/ViewReport.aspx?reportName=chart.rpt&"

The curl command is included with recent versions of Windows. If the curl command is not a recognized on your server, it may be downloaded from where documentation is also available.

An example PowerShell script and an example batch file are available in the “ReCrystallizeServer\Example Scripts” folder.

Last modified: 12 November 2021


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