Instead of displaying a Crystal Report on screen, ReCrystallize Server can email the Crystal Reports output to one or more recipients.

To email a report add the


parameter to the URL or include it as a field with POSTing a form to ReCrystallize Server’s ViewReport.aspx page. Include an email address as the value for the mailTo parameter. To send the report to multiple recipients, separate each email address with a comma or semicolon.

Use the exportfmt value to specify the report output format. If no exportfmt is specified along with mailTo, PDF will be used as the default.

As with exporting a report, any required Crystal Reports parameter values must be included in the request.

ReCrystallize Server will display a success or failure message after attempting to send email. If the connection to the SMTP server is slow or fails, the web page may appear to hang for up to 15 seconds.


The following email options may be included in the web request. If these values are provided, they will be used instead of the default values configured on the settings page.

Email Option Function Values Allowed
mailFrom Sets the email From address. Any email address.
mailFromName Sets the email From display name. Any text.
mailCC Add recipients to the email CC list. One or more email addresses separated by commas or semicolons.
mailBCC Adds recipients to the email BCC list. One or more email addresses separated by commas or semicolons.
mailSubject Sets the email subject line. Any text.
mailBody Sets the email body text. Any text.
mailBodyFile Sets the email body text to the contents of the specified file located on the server. A filename. A folder path relative to the ReCrystallize Server application folder (for example, email\mytext.txt) may be included with each filename.

An absolute folder path beginning with a drive letter or UNC path (for example, C:\EmailFiles\email.htm) may be included only if the Allow Absolute Paths setting is enabled.

Files ending with .txt will be formatted as text. Files ending with .htm will be formatted as HTML.
mailAttach B9Adds one or more files to the email as attachments. One or more filenames separated by commas.

A folder path relative to the ReCrystallize Server application folder (for example, email\myAttachment.pdf) may be included with each filename.

An absolute folder path beginning with a drive letter or UNC path (for example, D:\Documents\Contacts.docx) may be included only if the Allow Absolute Paths setting is enabled.
mailPriority Sets the email priority. High, Normal, or Low
Last modified: 12 November 2021


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