To boot your Xtra-PC on a Mac computer, please do the following:
1. Plug your Xtra-PC USB drive into an available USB port on your Mac computer.
2. Restart your Mac by clicking on the Apple icon in the upper left-hand corner and then selecting “Restart”.
3. When you hear the startup chime, press and hold the Option key.
4. Release the Option key when you see the Startup Manager window.
5. Select your startup disk, then click the arrow under its icon, or press Return.
Note: In the Startup Manager, the Xtra-PC drive will show up as either “EFI Boot” or sometimes it’s called “Windows”. It just depends on the firmware version of your Mac hardware in how it displays exactly.
Note: We have seen that Macs made before 2011, may not boot to a USB drive. You won’t even see an option on the Startup Manager to select any USB drives. So, if that is the case for you, I would consult the documentation provided with your Mac on how to boot to a USB drive.
Video demonstration of how to boot your Mac computer to Xtra-PC. In this particular demonstration, I am using a MacBook Air 2017.
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