In order to boot from your Xtra-PC device, Secure Boot must be turned off. Secure Boot is a setting in your computer’s BIOS/UEFI.

If you try to boot to the Xtra-PC device with Secure Boot enabled, you will get an error message about “Access Denied” or “Authentication Issue.” The exact error will vary depending on your computer’s manufacturer.

This is an example error from an HP Laptop when Secure Boot is still enabled and trying to boot to the Xtra-PC device:

Boot Image Did Not Authenticate

This is an example error from a Lenovo laptop when Secure Boot is still enabled and trying to boot to the Xtra-PC device:

Lenovo laptop Error Message

To disable Secure Boot, you have two options:

  1. Restart (reboot) your computer and tap the BIOS setup key on start. Then, change the settings in your BIOS/UEFI to disable secure boot.
  2. Use the DoubleClickToUseXtraPC tool that comes on the Xtra-PC USB device. For more information on starting DoubleClickToUseXtraPC, see Appendix A.


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