Q: Which devices work with the Omega DataCube?
iPhone, iPad, iPad Pro
Android phone with Mini-USB, Micro-USB, or USB-C connectors
*The USB-A male connector of the Omega DataCube supports Android devices with OTG function enabled, running Android version 5-12 and above.
NOTE: Charge-only cables are not supported – Your USB charging cable must also be able to transfer data.
Q: Do I need to buy any extra cables so that Omega DataCube will work with my device?
Nope! The Omega DataCube is designed to work with the USB charging cables you already have in your house. No extra accessories needed!
Q: How many photos can I store on the Omega DataCube?
Approximate Number of Photos Stored on the Omega DataCube:
32 GB – 12,800 photos
64 GB – 25,600 photos
128 GB – 51,200 photos
256 GB – 102,400 photos
*Please note that storage capacity per GB listed above is approximate, and exact storage amounts vary depending on file type and size.
Q: What photo file size is used when we say the 128GB version can store 51,200 photos?
We use an average photo file size of 2MB for our calculation. We picked this size for our calculation because it is the approximate size of an 8MP photo saved in a .JPEG format.
Some file sizes are much larger, such as camera RAW files, movie files such as .MOV and .MPEG4, and photos taken with cameras that can take photos greater than 8MP, so the number of files that can be stored on the Omega DataCube can vary.
Q: What file types can the Omega DataCube find and save?
Nearly all of them! It saves your standard JPEG, HEIC, PNG, GIF, MOV, and MPEG4, but it also saves a vast array of file types, as listed below:
JPEG (.jpg;.jpeg;.jpe;.jfif)
HEIC (*.heic, *.heics, *.heif, *.heifs, *.avci, *.avcs)
GIF (*.gif)
PNG (*.png)
BMP (.bmp;.rle;*.dib)
TIFF (.tif,.tiff)
ICO (*.ico)
Camera Raw (*.crw, *.nef, *.raf, *.orf, *.mrw, *.dcr, *.mos, *.raw, *.pef, *.srf, *.dng, *.x3f, *.cr2, *.erf, *.sr2, *.kdc, *.mfw, *.mef, *.arw, *.nrw, *.rw2, *.rwl, *.iiq, *.3fr, *.srw)
Photoshop (*.psd, *.pdd, *.pdp, *.pse, *.eps)
PICT File (*.PCT, *.PICT)
MOV (*.mov, *.qt, *.hevc)
MPEG4 (*.mp4, *.mpeg4, *.m4v, *.h264)
AVI (.avi) WMV (.wmv)
Q: Does the Omega DataCube need to install anything on my computer?
The Omega DataCube offers a FREE app that allows you to back up, view, and organize your photos, videos, and contacts with ease. There are no monthly charges or download costs for using the app – just download the app and the Omega DataCube will back up your files while your phone charges.
Q: What is the Root Folder and why am I getting this error message?
If you are using the Omega DataCube for the first time, you may receive the error message “get root menu failed” when attempting to back up your files. Check out our Troubleshooting Guide for tips on how to avoid seeing this message.
Q: Can I use the Omega DataCube as an ongoing backup solution?
Yes, it’s a great backup solution! We suggest leaving the Omega DataCube plugged into your charger so that you can back up your favorite photos, videos, and contacts each time your phone charges.
Q: How do I view the files saved on my Omega DataCube?
Viewing the files saved on your Omega DataCube is easy! Check out our Troubleshooting Guide for tips on how to view your files on your mobile device or computer.
Q: How will the Omega DataCube sort my files? Are there sorting options to choose from?
The Omega DataCube saves and sorts files by File Type -> -> User albums. It will then list your files from newest to oldest.
You can sort by photos/videos and contacts on iOS, and you can sort by photos/videos/audio/documents/contacts on Android. If viewing files on your macOS or Windows, you can use the normal sort and view settings provided with File Explorer (Windows) and Finder (macOS).
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