Landing Page Optimization for a Seamless Transition to EPC V14.0

To ensure a smooth transition to EPC V14.0, we have optimized landing pages. This improvement provides organizations with the confidence to update to the new version, knowing that their landing pages will continue to operate seamlessly, free from disruptions or security risks.

We offer organizations three options regarding their landing page:

  1. Keep Current 13.4 Settings: If you understand the security risk and prefer to maintain your current 13.4 settings, choosing this option will preserve your existing landing page without any impact.
  2. Whitelist External Libraries: Share the list of external libraries used in your landing page with our team. We will then whitelist these libraries in the Web Application Firewall (WAF) specific to your server.
  3. Embed References Directly: Provide us your landing page, and we will directly embed all necessary references into the webpage content.

Organizational Objects Remain Visible When Removing Their RASCI-VS Values in EPC Forms

To ensure the preservation of the pre-set dropdowns, we have implemented a feature that retains the visibility of selected resources, assets, roles, and organizational units in any EPC form, even after removing their RASCI-VS values.

Enhanced Text Legibility in Dark EPC Themes

We have updated the EPC color settings to improve text legibility in dark themes. Now, when using a dark theme color, a white contrast color is applied to the displayed text, ensuring clear visibility.

Tooltip When Hovering Over Names of Organizational Objects in ANY Tree Selector

When hovering over the names of roles, resources, assets and organizational units in any tree selector, a tooltip will now appear. This tooltip makes it easier to find and select the right object, especially when dealing with long names or similar options.

Color Added to Organizational Units Graphs

The color of the organizational units graphs will now match the highlight color in the hierarchy tree, resulting in a more visually appealing user interface.

Here are some examples of the color enhancement:

Names of Organizational Objects Are Now Sticky in the Edit Responsibilities Pop-up Window

When mass-assigning responsibilities to objects in the List page, the names of these objects are now displayed as sticky headers. This means that the names remain fixed at the top of the window, eliminating the need for constant scrolling and making it effortless for users to reference the information.

Simple Text Attribute Now Supports up to 4000 Characters

The simple text attribute has been extended to accommodate up to 4000 characters. If the text exceeds the available space, it will be displayed across multiple lines.

Google Analytics Version 4 Compatibility Guaranteed

We are pleased to confirm that EPC supports the latest version of Google Analytics, Google Analytics 4. This ensures that organizations can continue to use their homepage widgets without any issues. The Google Analytics field within EPC will also fully support Google Analytics 4.

Enhanced List Page Hierarchy Filter for Improved Navigation

To ensure simpler and more user-friendly navigation, we’ve decided to modify the behavior of the Hierarchy Filter on the List page. The following enhancements have been implemented:

  • The default value is now “Current Level”
  • When navigating between modules or objects in the tree, EPC will retain the previously selected filter
  • If the user copies the URL while the filter is set to “Current Level” and later switches to “No Hierarchy”, pasting the copied URL will automatically reset the filter to “Current Level”.
  • When using the “Last Visited” button, the hierarchy filter will be restored to its previous value on the visited page.

Decreased Padding Between Tree and Page Content

To optimize the layout, we have decreased the padding between the tree and the content of the EPC pages. This change ensures that the content (e.g., list, graph, details, admin, etc.) is not excessively indented to the right, providing a more balanced appearance.

Padding Removed Between “Publish” and “Show Published” Buttons

We have removed the unnecessary padding between the “Publish” and “Show Published” buttons in the Process module’s Graph and Details pages.


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