The following Entity Types are supported within BDEx Connect:

  • Address (Abstract) – Cannot be queried or read directly. See BusinessPartner, ContractAccount and ConnectionObject below.
    => Properties:
    - AddressNumber (key)
    - AddressUniqueID
    - AddressGroup
    - PersonalAddress
    - StandardAddress (filterable)
    - Alternative
    - DateFrom
    - DateTo
    - Nation
    - Title
    - Name1
    - Name2
    - Name3
    - Name4
    - NameText
    - NameCareOf
    - Location
    - Building
    - Floor
    - RoomNumber
    - HouseNumber1
    - HouseNumber2
    - HouseNumber3
    - Street1
    - Street2
    - Street3
    - Street4
    - City1
    - City2
    - Region
    - PostCode1
    - PostCode2
    - PostCode3
    - PoBox
    - Country
    - SearchTerm1
    - SearchTerm2
    - MDObjectID
    - MDObjectKey
  • Balance (Abstract) – Cannot be queried or read directly. See ContractAccount below.
    => Properties:
    - ContractAccount (key)
    - Partner
    - Details:
    — Description
    — Amount
    — Currency
  • BillingDocument – Can be queried or read directly using Billing Document numbers (BELNR):
    => Properties:
    - DocumentNumber (key)
    - InvoiceNumber
    - Division
    - Partner
    - ContractAccount
    - Contract
    - BillingPeriodStart
    - BillingPeriodEnd
    - CreatedOn
    - Estimated

    => Navigation Properties:
    /ToEstimatedReadsFromBillDoc’ => Fetches the Estimated Meter Reads (note that property ‘Estimated’ will indicate whether this is likely to be successful).
  • BudgetBillingPlan – Can be partially queried with either a Business Partner (PARTNER), a Contract Account (VKONT) or a Contract (VERTRAG) key or read directly using Budget Billing Plan Document numbers (OPBEL). Note: only ‘Active’ Plans are considered.
    => Properties:
    - DocumentNumber (key)
    - NextDueDate
    - ContractAccount
    - BusinessPartner
    - Contract
    - StartBBPeriod
    - EndBBPeriod
    - Status
    - Amount
    - OpenAmount
    - Currency
  • BusinessPartner – Can be queried or read directly using Business Partner keys (PARTNER):
    => Properties:
    - PartnerNumber (key)
    - Category
    - Type
    - Group
    - ExternalNumber
    - AuthorizationGroup
    - Title
    - Salutation
    - LastName
    - FirstName
    - OtherLastName
    - BirthName
    - MiddleName
    - GenderMale
    - GenderFemale
    - GenderUnknown
    - CreatedOn
    - ChangedOn
    - PartnerGuid
    - AddressNumber

    => Navigation Properties:
    /ToActiveBBPFromBP’ => Fetches all active Budget Billing Plans for the Business Partner;
    /ToAddressesFromBP’ => Fetches all Correspondence Address details for the Business Partner;
    /ToBusinessPartnerActions’ => Fetches all of the background BDEx Master Data Actions for the Business Partner. Note: The Actions returned can be managed using BDEx Profile ‘ODATA’;
    /ToCommDetailsFromBP’ => Fetches the Communication details for the Business Partner;
    /ToLastInvoiceFromBP’ => Fetches the most recent printed Invoice (Print Document) for the Business Partner;
    /ToMasterDataObject’ => Returns the Master Data Object details according to BDEx;
    /ToWorkRequests’ => Fetches the open Work Requests by executing BDEx (Master Data Context will be derived at runtime). Note: The Work Requests returned can be managed using BDEx Profile ‘ODATA’.
  • CommunicationDetails – (Abstract) – Cannot be queried or read directly. See BusinessPartner above.
    => Properties:
    - BusinessPartner (key)
    - CommunicationType (key, filterable)
    - SequenceNumber (key)
    - Country
    - CountryISO
    - StandardIndicator (filterable)
    - HomeFlag
    - TelephoneNumber
    - TelephoneExtension
    - TelephoneCombined
    - CallerNumber
    - FaxNumber
    - FaxExtension
    - FaxCombined
    - SenderNumber
    - FaxGroup
    - EmailAddress
  • ConnectionObject – Can be queried or read directly using a Connection Object key (HAUS):
    => Properties:
    - ConnectionObjectNumber (key)
    - CRMGuid

    => Navigation Properties:
    /ToAddressFromCO’ => Fetches the Address details for the Connection Object;
    /ToConnectionObjectActions’ => Fetches all of the background BDEx Master Data Actions for the Connection Object. Note: The Actions returned can be managed using BDEx Profile ‘ODATA’;
    /ToMasterDataObjectFromCO’ => Returns the Master Data Object details according to BDEx.
    /ToWorkRequestsFromCO’ => Fetches the open Work Requests by executing BDEx (Master Data Context will be derived at runtime). Note: The Work Requests returned can be managed using BDEx Profile ‘ODATA’.
  • Contract – Can be queried or read directly using a Contract key (VERTRAG):
    => Properties:
    - ContractNumber (key)
    - CompanyCode
    - Division
    - JointInvoicing
    - BilllBlockReason
    - BillBlockRelease
    - CreatedOn
    - AuthorizationGroup
    - Installation
    - ContractAccount
    - MoveInDate
    - MoveOutDate

    => Navigation Properties:
    /ToActiveBBPFromC’ => Fetches all active Budget Billing Plans for the Contract;
    /ToContractActions’ => Fetches all of the background BDEx Master Data Actions for the Contract. Note: The Actions returned can be managed using BDEx Profile ‘ODATA’;
    /ToMasterDataObjectFromC’ => Returns the Master Data Object details according to BDEx.
    /ToWorkRequestsFromC’ => Fetches the open Work Requests by executing BDEx (Master Data Context will be derived at runtime). Note: The Work Requests returned can be managed using BDEx Profile ‘ODATA’.
  • ContractAccount – Can be queried or read directly using a Contract Account key (VKONT):
    => Properties:
    - AccountNumber (key)
    - JointInvoicing
    - Application
    - BudgetBillingPlan
    - Category
    - Partner
    - LegacyNumber
    - AuthorizationGroup
    - Name
    - Currency
    - Class
    - BillForm
    - Language
    - IncPayMethod

    => Navigation Properties:
    /ToActiveBBPFromCA’ => Fetches all active Budget Billing Plans for the Contract Account;
    /ToAddressesFromCA’ => Fetches all Correspondence Address details for the Contract Account;
    /ToBalancesFromCA’ => Fetches all Contract Account Balances;
    /ToContractAccountActions’ => Fetches all of the background BDEx Master Data Actions for the Contract Account. Note: The Actions returned can be managed using BDEx Profile ‘ODATA’;
    /ToLastInvoiceFromCA’ => Fetches the most recent printed Invoice (Print Document) for the Contract Account;
    /ToMasterDataObjectFromCA’ => Returns the Master Data Object details according to BDEx;
    /ToOpenBalanceFromCA’ => Fetches only the Open Balance for the Contract Account;
    /ToWorkRequestsFromCA’ => Fetches the open Work Requests by executing BDEx (Master Data Context will be derived at runtime). Note: The Work Requests returned can be managed using BDEx Profile ‘ODATA’.
  • Device – Can be queried or read directly using an Equipment number (EQUNR only):
    => Properties:
    - EquipmentNumber (key)
    - Division
    - AuthorizationGroup
    - CreatedOn
    - ManufacturerSerialNumber
    - MaterialNumber
    - SerialNumber

    => Navigation Properties:
    /ToDeviceActions’ => Fetches all of the background BDEx Master Data Actions for the Device. Note: The Actions returned can be managed using BDEx Profile ‘ODATA’;
    /ToMasterDataObjectFromD’ => Returns the Master Data Object details according to BDEx;
    /ToWorkRequestsFromD’ => Fetches the open Work Requests by executing BDEx (Master Data Context will be derived at runtime). Note: The Work Requests returned can be managed using BDEx Profile ‘ODATA’.
  • DeviceLocation – Can be queried or read directly using key (TPLNR):
    => Properties:
    - FunctionalLocationNumber (key)
    - StructureIndicator
    - Category
    - CreatedOn
    - AuthorizationGroup

    => Navigation Properties:
    /ToDeviceLocationActions’ => Fetches all of the background BDEx Master Data Actions for the Device Location. Note: The Actions returned can be managed using BDEx Profile ‘ODATA’;
    /ToMasterDataObjectFromDL’ => Returns the Master Data Object details according to BDEx;
    /ToWorkRequestsFromDL’ => Fetches the open Work Requests by executing BDEx (Master Data Context will be derived at runtime). Note: The Work Requests returned can be managed using BDEx Profile ‘ODATA’.
  • Installation – Can be queried or read directly using Installation key (ANLAGE):
    => Properties:
    - InstallationNumber (key)
    - Division
    - Premises
    - MeterReadBlockRsn
    - Type
    - CreatedOn
    - AuthorizationGroup

    => Navigation Properties:
    /ToInstallationActions’ => Fetches all of the background BDEx Master Data Actions for the Installation. Note: The Actions returned can be managed using BDEx Profile ‘ODATA’;
    /ToMasterDataObjectFromI’ => Returns the Master Data Object details according to BDEx;
    /ToWorkRequestsFromI’ => Fetches the open Work Requests by executing BDEx (Master Data Context will be derived at runtime). Note: The Work Requests returned can be managed using BDEx Profile ‘ODATA’.
  • Invoice – Can be queried or read directly using Invoice key (OPBEL):
    => Properties:
    - DocumentNumber (key)
    - BillingPeriod
    - Estimated
    - Partner
    - ContractAccount
    - TotalAmount
    - TotalCurrency
    - CreatedOn
    - PostingDate
    - DocumentDate
    - PrintDate

    => Navigation Properties:
    /ToBillDocsFromInvoice’ => Fetches the Billing Documents associated with an Invoice (if available).
    /ToEstimatedReadsFromBillDoc’ => Fetches the Estimated Meter Reads (note that Attribute ‘Estimated’ will indicate whether this is likely to be successful).
  • InvoiceHistory (Partially Abstract) – Full Invoice History can be generated by using a Master Data Object reference to execute BDEx with or an individual Invoice key (OPBEL) can be specified if known.
    => Properties:
    - DocumentNumber (key)
    - MDObjID
    - MDObjKey
    - ContractAccount
    - BillingPeriodStart
    - BillingPeriodEnd
    - BillingPeriod
    - PostingDate
    - TotalAmount
    - TotalCurrency
    - CreatedBy
    - NameText
    - ClearingDate
    - ClearingDocument
    - ClearingPostingDate
    - ClearingReason
    - ReversalDocument
    - ReversalReason
    - ReversalDate
    - Status
    - HistoryIndicator
  • LastInvoice (Abstract) – Cannot be queried or read directly. See BusinessPartner and ContractAccount above.
    => Properties:
    - DocumentNumber (key)
    - BillingPeriod
    - Estimated
    - Partner
    - ContractAccount
    - TotalAmount
    - TotalCurrency
    - CreatedOn
    - PostingDate
    - DocumentDate
    - PrintDate
  • MasterDataAction (Abstract) – Cannot be queried or read directly. See all Entity Types that represent Master Data Objects.
    => Properties:
    - ObjectID (key)
    - ObjectKey (key)
    - ActionID (key)
    - ActionText
    - Execute
  • MasterDataObject (Abstract) – Cannot be queried or read directly. See all Entity Types that represent Master Data Objects:
    => Properties:
    - ObjectID (key)
    - ObjectKey (key)
    - ParentObjectID
    - ParentObjectKey
    - IconName
    - NodeTooltip
    - NodeText
    - AddInfo
    - AddInfo2

    => Navigation Properties:
    /ToInvHistFromMDObj’ => Fetches Invoice History by executing BDEx, deriving the full Master Data Context at runtime and analysing the Work Requests related to Invoices. Note: The Work Requests returned can be managed using BDEx Profile ‘ODATA’;
    /ToMasterDataContext’ => Derives and returns the full Master Data Context that would be used by BDEx if executed;
    /ToMasterDataObjectActions’ => Fetches all of the background BDEx Master Data Actions for the Master Data Object. Note: The Actions returned can be managed using BDEx Profile ‘ODATA’;
    /ToNotesFromMDObj’ => Fetches all of the Notes by executing BDEx (Master Data Context will be derived at runtime). Note: The Work Requests returned can be managed using BDEx Profile ‘ODATA’;
    /ToWorkRequestsFromD’ => Fetches the open Work Requests by executing BDEx (Master Data Context will be derived at runtime). Note: The Work Requests returned can be managed using BDEx Profile ‘ODATA’.
  • MeterReadingResult – Cannot be queried directly but can be returned using Billing Documents and Invoices via navigation properties. Read directly using Meter Reading Document Number key (ABLBELNR).
    => Properties:
    - DocumentNumber (key)
    - BillDocNumber
    - InvoiceNumber
    - EquipmentNumber
    - RegisterNumber
    - ReadingDate
    - ReadingTime
    - ResultPredecimal
    - ResultPostdecimal
    - Active
    - ScheduledDate
    - Status
    - IndependentValidation
    - DependentValidation
    - DocumentType
    - DocumentCategory
    - CreatedOn
    - CreatedBy
    - ChangedOn
    - ChangedBy
  • Note (Abstract) – Cannot be queried or read directly. See MasterDataObject above.
    => Properties:
    - NoteID (generated key)
    - Text
    - UserID
    - NoteDate
    - NoteTime
    - UserName
    - ClassID
    - WrKey
    - MDObjID
    - MDObjKey
    - HistoryIndicator
  • PointOfDelivery – Can be queried or read directly using the PoD Internal Unique ID (INT_UI):
    => Properties:
    - InternalID (key)
    - Type
    - CreatedOn
    - AuthorizationGroup
    - ExternallID

    => Navigation Properties:
    /ToMasterDataObjectFromPoD’ => Returns the Master Data Object details according to BDEx;
    /ToPointOfDeliveryActions’ => Fetches all of the background BDEx Master Data Actions for the Point of Delivery. Note: The Actions returned can be managed using BDEx Profile ‘ODATA’;
    /ToWorkRequestsFromPoD’ => Fetches the open Work Requests by executing BDEx (Master Data Context will be derived at runtime). Note: The Work Requests returned can be managed using BDEx Profile ‘ODATA’.
  • Premises – Can be queried or read directly using the Premises key (VSTELLE):
    => Properties:
    - PremisesNumber (key)
    - ConnectionObject
    - Type
    - AuthorizationGroup
    - CreatedOn
    => Navigation Properties:
    /ToMasterDataObjectFromP’ => Returns the Master Data Object details according to BDEx;
    /ToPremisesActions’ => Fetches all of the _background
    BDEx Master Data Actions for the Premises. Note: The Actions returned can be managed using BDEx Profile ‘ODATA’;
    /ToWorkRequestsFromP’ => Fetches the open Work Requests by executing BDEx (Master Data Context will be derived at runtime). Note: The Work Requests returned can be managed using BDEx Profile ‘ODATA’.
  • WorkRequest (Abstract) – Cannot be queried or read directly. See all Entity Types that have navigation properties relating to Work Requests:
    => Properties:
    - ClassID (key)
    - WrKey (key)
    - ObjectID
    - ObjectKey
    - TypeIcon
    - TypeID
    - TypeText
    - ClassIcon
    - ClassText
    - SystemId
    - SystemIcon
    - SystemName
    - SubclassID
    - SubclassText
    - PrimaryMDObjID
    - PrimaryMDObjIcon
    - PrimaryMDObjKey
    - PrimaryMDObjText
    - StatusID
    - StatusText
    - MainDate
    - CreationDate
    - Currproc
    - CreatedBy

    => Navigation Properties:
    /ToWorkRequestActions’ => Fetches all of the background BDEx Work Request Actions for the Work Request. Note: The Actions returned can be managed using BDEx Profile ‘ODATA’.
  • WorkRequestAction (Abstract) – Cannot be queried or read directly. See WorkRequest above.
    => Properties:_
    - ClassID (key)
    - WrKey (key)
    - ActionID
    - ActionText
    - Execute


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