Within ActiveControl users are considered to be administrators or non-administrators.
Administrators have full access to all ActiveControl functions whereas non-administrators only have access to certain functions, depending on their role .
ActiveControl Roles
ActiveControl is delivered with the following authorisation roles that need to be assigned to the ActiveControl users to allow them to access the product:
- /BTI/TE:CTS_USER: Assigned to all users in the domain controller system
- /BTI/TE:CTS_RFC: Assigned to all RFC users along with SAP role SAP_BC_TRANSPORT_ADMINISTRATOR
- /BTI/TE:CTS_ADMIN: Assigned to all users who require administration access in the domain controller system and to Batch users
- /BTI/TE:CTS_ADMIN_USER: A more restricted version of /BTI/TE:CTS_ADMIN that gives access to domain controller system reports and utilities. All users who need to perform administration activities like adding import schedules to target systems will require this role as a minimum.
In addition, it is also possible in ActiveControl to control the level of access given to all users and what items they are allowed to see.
ActiveControl includes out the box SAP single and composite roles for all of the key roles within the tool, such as Developer, Tester, Basis, Change Manager etc. These are detailed in the Roles Matrix which is available seperately to this User Guide.
To enable access to ActiveControl, all users must have a user account setup in the ActiveControl Domain Controller, with the appropriate role(s) assigned to them. All users must also have a valid email address in order to receive email notifications. The userid in the Domain Controller must match that of Developers/Functional team creating transports in the satellite Development system.
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