The default sequencing of transports within ActiveControl is based on the release date/time of the transports.

Dependencies can also be manually set between Transports. This is useful if transports have been released in the wrong order and you want to force ActiveControl to import them in a specific order – or in the more common scenario – where you want to set cross system dependencies between transports. Eg when a BW transport has to be imported only after a specific ECC transport has been imported.

Dependencies can be defined in the SAPGUI and in the Windows GUI via the Advanced Options tab.


Windows GUI


(1) If ActiveControl Orchestration is switched on, then if a dependent transport is in the Import Queue, it will sit in ‘Pending Import’ status until the prerequisite transport has been imported. When the prerequisite gets imported, the dependent transport will also automatically be imported, regardless of when the next automated import is scheduled to occur.


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