We advise to use the new public results site (Publish results to the web)
However the old site for publishing results (results.scoreexpress.be) is still online.
We will keep the site online, so people can still consult results from older competitions. You can even still use the site to publish new events if you wish to do so.
Note that it is possible that at some point in the future we will decide to fully migrate all competitions to the new results site.
To publish the result of a competition to the website results.scoreexpress.be follow these steps:
Set a competition ID
Open the settings page of the discipline section in the event.
On this page, fill out the field External ID with an identifier you want to use for your competition.
The value should meet some restrictions:
- Make sure the ID is unique. It help to include a part that refers to your organisation and part that is unique within your organisation.
- Use only web address friendly characters (i.e. numbers and letters)
Set the publication method
On the same page, configure the Live score publication section.
As method, select ScoreExpress and save the settings.
Initialize the publication
After saving the settings, initialize the listing of your competition, by clicking on publish score data (bulk).
Note that is some cases it might be necessary to restart the Docker container and push the button again to get the process started.
The link to access the results page of the competition is available below the publish button.
What is published
When the live score method is configured, results will be updated every time a score is finished, or rankings are updated in the competition.
Should the publication of results have been interrupted, e.g. by a internet connection interruption, it is always possible to reset all results, by clicking the Bulk publication button in the settings page.
For each category, all relevant rankings (i.e. non empty rankings) are published to the web page.
The home page of the results site lists only current events, based on date, however published results are always available through the direct link to the event page.
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