The schedule of the competition consists of sessions, each session containing a number of categories (and subdivisions) that compete in same part of the day.
If you already know which categories will compete in each session, you can start creating sessions from the default list of sessions.
If you still need to decide this, you can switch the view of the page at the top. The alternative view of the schedule, will allow you to drag and drop categories into sessions, and give feedback about the numbers of participants expected in each session.
Setting up sessions
While adding a session, following properties will be essential to your schedule:
- Name: the name will be used all over the application to refer to the session
- Round: which round this session is part of
- Date: the date of the session
- Number of Sets/Panels: (labeling depends on the discipline) this setting determines how many parallel rotations, or judge panels you will have in this session.
- Number of Rotations: the number blocks of participants to add to the rotations.
- Categories: the list of categories competing in this session. If you have multiple sets, select on which set the category competes. If you have multiple subdivisions, set which subdivision should be included in this session.
For completeness you can fill out the session time schedule and add notes to be included in the starting order documents. But neither of these are essential to run the competition.
Working orders
Within ScoreExpress wwe distinguish between three types of disciplines when it comes to creating working orders. Each of these types its own way of handling rotations and managing the starting order.
Rotation type Disciplines
The rotation type disciplines are types competitions where you have multiple groups of participants, each starting at a different event and rotating the next event once all gymnasts have finished their current event. This specifically, but not only, applies to Artistic Gymnastics.
In this type of competitions, the number of rotations in your sessions should be at least the number of events included in the session, such that all groups can pass through all events. It is possible to add more rotations, which will results extra groups of participants being added and so called rest rotations being created.
If you have multiple sets in the competition, you can have a different number of rotations for each set.
Parallel Block type Disciplines
In this type of competitions, participants will enter the competition in blocks, where a group of participants enters the competition, performs one or multiple exercises before the same judge panel, after which the next group of participants can enter the competition. Examples of such disciplines are Trampoline and Tumbling.
The number of rotations is the number of separate groups of participants each panel will have during the session. If you have multiple panels, you can set the number of rotations per panels separately.
Mixed Order type Disciplines
In this type discipline you will typically have a competition on a single apparatus (e.g. floor) with one or more judge panels judging exercises in alternating order. In this type of competitions, the starting order is a list of exercises (i.e. participant + type of exercise) rather then blocks of participants.
The number of rotations is used to split the list of exercises in parts, in order to allow you to add breaks during the session.
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