By default, your organisation will not be listed on the homepage of the public website. This is to avoid a list of organisation of which many don’t have any public results available.
Whether you want your organisation to be listed on the home page depends on how you want to include the public site in your communication.
In order to activate the listing, you need to check the “List Customer Profile On Public Site” option in your user profile.
Listing your organisation
Adding your organisation to the list on the homepage will enable users to find you on the homepage of the public website. It will also create a page where all published events of your organisation can be found (and which you can directly link to).
We would advise to use this option if you publish events on regular basis.
Not listing your organisation
Not listing your organisation will still allow you use the site to publish results of your event. But in order to find the page visitors will need a direct link to the event, which you can distribute through your communication channels.
We advise to use this option if you want to have more control over the distribution of the results page link, for example if you prefer users to pass by your own website.
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