Why should you document your meetings?

Meetings help to move an organization or a project forward, but often meetings turn out to be a waste of time. Having effective meetings, however, is not rocket science, just follow some simple rules:

  • Be prepared – have an agenda
  • Stay focused – stick to the agenda, stay on the time and place new unrelated topics in the Parking Lot
  • Document your meeting – make notes and send minutes shortly after the meeting
  • Follow-up on tasks – make sure things actually get done

We all know how it is supposed to be done, but juggling information in email messages, constantly updating a Word document for the agenda or minutes and managing a separate task list just takes too much time. As a result we often don’t do this and continue to waste precious time and money.

Not anymore! MeetingKing makes it easy, from agenda preparation to task completion. You have a ready to use agenda template, you can turn short bullet-style notes into professional minutes and manage tasks while taking notes. You can use MeetingKing alone or as a true collaboration tool. Meeting invitees do not need a MeetingKing account for it to be effective.

Everyone will be impressed how effective your meetings are!

Next topic: Creating a new meeting →

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