Sorry to see you on this page.
Before you cancel your account, please contact us and let us know what was missing, and how we can keep you as a user.
It is our goal to help the world get rid of bad meetings and since you did sign-up you probably had one of the following problems:
- Participants were unprepared
- There was no agenda to your meetings
- You hate writing meeting minutes
- Tasks are not completed
If we did not deliver please contact us and we will get right back to you. Perhaps we can explain certain features, give a demo, or enhance the product!
If you are determined you cancel you can do so at:
My Account > Basic Settings ( There is a cancel link at the bottom of the page.
Also if you cancel we would love to hear from you. A few keywords is enough.
Thank you for trying MeetingKing!
Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.