In addition to object information, users are able to include information on the template used to generate the document. Note that you can also print the associations of the template. Refer to the General Object Tags section – the templateDocument object contains the same data as a document object.


Template Tags

Tag Description
{name} The name of the template
{version} The version of the template
{creationDate} The creation date of the template
{modificationDate} The last modification date of the template
{nodeSubTypeName} The assigned type of the template
{nodeStatus} The status of the template (in progress vs published)
{referenceNumber} The template’s unique identifier
{#parent}{name}{/parent} The folder in which the template is stored
{checkinDate} Date of the most recent publication
{#checkinBy}{username}{/checkinBy} Username of the user who last published the template
{#checkinBy}{firstName}{/checkinBy} First name of the user who last published the template
{#checkinBy}{middleName}{/checkinBy} Middle name of the user who last published the template
{#checkinBy}{lastName}{/checkinBy} Last name of the user who last published the template
{#checkinBy}{name}{/checkinBy} Full name and username of the user who last published the template
{#checkinBy}{phone}{/checkinBy} Phone number of the user who last published the template
{#checkinBy}{email}{/checkinBy} Email of the user who last published the template
{checkinComment} Comment made by the publisher at the time of publication


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