Templates for Risks Books follow the same general structure of the other object books. Refer to the General Tags section for general tags. This section will describe tags that are specific to risks

Tags in this section start from the root array “objects” and are within the “object” object.

Tag Description
{grossImpact} Value of the risk’s gross impact
{grossLikelihood} Value of the risk’s gross likelihood
{grossDetectability} Value of the risk’s gross detectability
{residualImpact} Value of the risk’s residual impact
{residualLikelihood} Value of the risk’s residual likelihood
{residualDetectability} Value of the risk’s residual detectability
{overrideRollup} Boolean value for whether residual values are automatically or manually set
{analysisJustification} Risk Analysis justification
{grossScore} Value of the risk’s gross score
{grossPriority} Value of the risk’s gross priority
{residualScore} Value of the risk’s residual score
{residualPriority} Value of the risk’s residual priority
{residualPercentage} Value of the risk’s residual percentage
{causalities} An array containing causes and effects
{#causalities}{cause}{/causalities} Causes of the risk
{#causalities}{effect}{/causalities} Effects of the risk
{controlRisks} An arrary that contains controls associated to the risk***
{#controlRisks}{controlName}{/controlRisks} The name of the associated control
{#controlRisks}{impact}{/controlRisks} The impact value of the associated control
{#controlRisks}{likelihood}{/controlRisks} The likelihood value of the associated control
{#controlRisks}{detectability}{/controlRisks} The detectability value of the associated control
{#controlRisks}{priority}{/controlRisks} The priority value of the associated control
{#controlRisks}{score}{/controlRisks} The score value of the associated control
{#controlRisks}{percentage}{/controlRisks} The percentage off gross risk of the associated control
{#controlRisks}{priorityText}{/controlRisks} The priority text value of the associated control (Low, Medium High)
{#controlRisks}{excluded}{/controlRisks} Boolean value for whether the control is excluded from calculations


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