Recovery Vital Signs (RVS) are tools native to the Recovery Data Platform that allow your organization insight into the recovery of program participants. These vital signs are comprised of several evidence-based assessment tools, including:
- Engagment Scale
- Outcome Rating Scale
- Relationship Rating Scale
- Craving Rating Scale
- Assessment of Recovery Capital
These assessment tools aid in constructing a qualitative recovery story for each program participant. In order to view one of the seven available participant reports, click into one of the links under the ‘Recovery Vital Signs’ section.
The assessments (or questionnaires) that RVSs are comprised of are the Engagement Scale Questionnaire and the Recovery Capital Assessment. To complete a new assessment for a participant, click the Questionnaires tab then click the grey ‘New Form’ button in the forms section, and select either the Recovery Capital Data or Engagement Scale Data form.
Organizations are contractually bound to complete an engagement scale data form once a week per participant, or at every touch-point with program participants, and a Recovery Capital Data form every 6 months per participant. This data aids in national advocacy efforts.
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