There are two configuration options available for this report.
These are based upon the action type to be completed:
BDEx BPEM Replace Action Note Text
Notes – table /BTI/MDE_C_RPNTX
This table enables you to add text to be added to a case when a particular action is carried out.
i.e. when Replace case add note to case:
Case was returned to queue by Auto Replacement Tool as not worked within time frame.
Example Configuration
BDEx Replace and Escalate Logic
Case category specific – table /BTI/MDE_C_RPLES
This table enables you to define preset rules at the case category level. This means you can set different day threshold and new priority per case category.
i.e. for Billing outsort case
Activate replacement days – enter X days for the threshold
Last logon flag – if checked will assess the last logon date for BDEx and the replace days – is the threshold to say if the user has not logged on for X days – then complete action.
Action – what action should be completed
Case priority – default what priority the case should be changed to when action CP/RP/EP.
Example configuration:
The activation flag – indicates if the rule should be used. This means you can turn off the rule without deleting the rule – and therefore if it needs to be turned back on at a later date this can be done using the activate flag.
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