The full activity log can also be accessed via SE16 table view
Fields described:
- ACTDATE – This is the start date for the activity.
- ACTTIME – This is the start time for the activity.
- UNAME – This is the name of the user/agent that triggered the activity.
- ACTIONID – This is the action ID reference for the activity.
- ACTENDDATE – This is the finish date for the activity.
- ACTENDTIME – This is the finish time for the activity.
- MDOBJECTID – This is the master data object ID, listed below are the options available to be used within this field with their descriptions:
MD object and Description
- ISU0001 Business Partner
- ISU0002 Contract Account
- ISU0003 Contract
- ISU0004 Connection Object
- ISU0005 Premises
- ISU0006 Installation
- ISU0007 Point of Deliver
- ISU0008 Device Location
- ISU0009 Device
- ISU0010 Switch Document
- MDOBJECTKEY – This is the master data object reference i.e. if the master data object ID is ISU0002 the key will be the contract account number.
- WR_CLASS – This is the work request type listed below are the options available to be used for this field with their descriptions:
Class ID Class text
- CRM_ACTI Activity
- CRM_BDCI Inbound CRM BDoc
- CRM_BDCO Outbound CRM BDoc
- CRM_IDCI Inbound CRM IDoc
- CRM_IDCO Outbound CRM IDoc
- CRM_LEAD Marketing Leads
- ISU_ALCK Locks
- ISU_BCHK Billing Check
- SU_BDCI Inbound IS-U BDoc
- SU_BDCO Outbound IS-U BDoc
- ISU_BORD Billing Order
- ISU_BOUT Billing Outsort
- ISU_BTSK Business Task
- ISU_CBLK Contract Billing Block
- ISU_CIWI Collection Work Item
- ISU_COLI Collection Item
- ISU_CONT Business Contact
- ISU_DATX Data Exchange Task
- ISU_DISC Disconnection Document
- ISU_DUNN Dunning
- ISU_IDCI Inbound IS-U IDoc
- ISU_IDCO Outbound IS-U IDoc
- ISU_ILOC Installation Lock
- SU_IMPR Implausible Read
- ISU_INVO Invoicing Outsort
- ISU_INVT Invoicing Trigger
- ISU_IPLN Instalment Plan
- ISU_LATB Late Bill
- ISU_MOVI Parked Document
- ISU_MOVO Parked Document
- ISU_MTRO Meter Reading Order
- ISU_NODV No device installed
- ISU_PRDC Invoice
- ISU_REPL CRM Replication Error
- ISU_SNTF Service Notification
- ISU_SORD Service Order
- ISU_SWDC Switch Document
- ISU_WFLE Workflow
- ISU_WFLW Workflow
- ISU_WITE Work item
- ISU_WITM Work item
- WR_KEY – This is the reference number of the work request class defined in field WR_CLASS i.e. if the WR_CLASS is ISU_BPEM the key is the BPEM case number.
- WR_SUBCLASS – This is the subclass of the work request class type i.e. if the WR_CLAS is ISU_BPEM the subclass would be any case category such as BI01.
- CREATION_DATE – This is the creation date of the work request type.
- WR_HIST – This displays whether the work request is registered as a history item in the CCH.
- TOP_MDOBJECTID – This is the top master data item from the master data hierarchy within the CCH for the context item used to launch the customer’s data within the CCH. This would usually be the Business Partner as this is the highest level in the hierarchy for the CCH; if there is no BP registered against the customer then the next item within the hierarchy will be displayed in this field. The object ID available is the same options for field MDOBJECTID.
- TOP_MDOBJECTKEY – This is the master data object reference for the top item in the hierarchy within the CCH i.e. if the TOP_MDOBJECTID is the Business Partner the key would be the business partner number.
- SESSION_ID – This is the session ID assigned to the activity recorded when the CCH is launched. This field is used to track all activities against the primary object.
- Width of output list – This is a standard ALV grid field – defaulted to 250 rows. This should remain to the default value.
- Maximum No. of Hits – This is a standard ALV grid field – defaulted to 200 hits. If you anticipate more results change this value to ensure the results are displayed in the table.
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