Your route is computed with the preferences you set in Menu > Settings > Route planning. In Route planning section you set general rules for avoiding toll roads, unpaved roads, motorways and feries.

In Go to Menu > Route, you can select to avoid motorways, toll roads, ferries, unpaved roads or special areas just for this particular route (if they are present) by clicking on a corresponding icon in Avoid section.
By tapping on No entry icon, you can also Avoid next…

  • 250 meters
  • 1 kilometer
  • 5 kilometers

If you have added waypoints to your route, or if your route takes you through several countries you can avoid Motorways, Toll roads, Restricted areas, Ferries, Unpaved roads, Special areas for each via point, or each country separately by tapping on the flag/element in Important places section.

Menu > Route


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