Starting a single line production order operation

On the top of the window, you have to choose which work center / production resource’s jobs, you would like to see.

In the window showing ”Orders queing”, the orders that are going to be processed on the particular work center, are displayed.

Jobs can be started, either by placing the cursor on the particular line, Please observe if any function buttons become dark blue. Click on each of them to see additional execution information

and then chosing ”Start job”, (depending of the set up, you may be asked to issue material, or you may receive a message that the job can not be started due to material shortage – please see below.

Now you have to select, key or wand from a barcode device which employee/machine center has to perform the particular job, and press OK.

The job will now be moved to Orders processing, having assigned a sequence number, that is highlighted in green:

Once the job has been completed, it has to be reported as completed. (Dependend of the set up, you might be asked to issue material, before the job can be completed – if no material has been issued, the key “Issue material” is highlighted dark blue).


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