Operating routines – technical

From the NAVEKSA ShopFloor version 8.09.03 and newer a change has been implemented in the ShopFloor functionaslity.

Both Dynamics NAV and 365 Business Central use special asynchrounous procedures to keep the ShopFloor system in good health.

Operating procedures for Dynamics NAV:

Search for the term “job q” using the search bar in Dynamics NAV.

Make sure that the job “NAVEKSA SFSDLS clean up” is running

Every time the clean up job runs, a log file record is generated. This file must be cleaned manually at regular intervals.

Operating procedures for 365 Business Central:

Search for the term “job q” using the search function.

Make sure that the job “NAVEKSA SFSDLS clean up” is running.
Make sure the job “NAVEKSA SFSPORL update” is running.

Every time the clean up job runs, a log file record is generated. This file must be cleaned manually at regular intervals.


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