Re-assign routing operation from a planned work center into one or more machine centers

On the ShopFloor Planning page for Waiting and Arriving Order there is a Line Action for re-assigning operations from a planned WorkCenter to one or multiple MachineCenters.

This re-assignment has two modes of action dependent on a new Setup parameter.

If setup to “Single WorkCenter” the function acts to handle the situation where the planner is controlling an individual WorkCenter, and operations on that WorkCenter only.

If setup to “Multiple WorkCenters” the function acts to handle the situation where the planner is controlling all WorkCenters and is planning for all operations on a specific production order.

If setup to “Multiple WorkCenters”, selecting the “Assign Resources” function will open a page showing all operations on the production order.

You will have a column where you select which operation to assign to MachineCenters.

Please note:
1. You can not assign first and last operation to more then one Resource due to standard BC Rules.
2. You can only assign operations from a WorkCenter to MachinCenter(s)
3. You are limited on the number of MachineCenters according to a BC restriction on the length of the routing line fields “Previous operations” and “Next operations”.

When you have selected which WorkCenter operation you want to assign to MachineCenters, you click the Action button “Assign Resources”.

This opens a new page where you select the actual MachineCenters for this operation.
This is the same page, and therefore the starting point, when setup to “Single WorkCenter”.
On this page, you start with selecting “Edit List”. (If you have entered this page by accident, you can leave without changing anything)
Next you mark the “Select for Job” field on the Resources you want to assign the operation to.

Pressing OK-button will change the Routing lines on the production order to reflect these new Resource assignments and return to the previous page, showing the new production order routing lines where the newly assigned MachineCenters are added as parallel operations.

If you have more WorkCenter operations, you want to assign to MachineCenters, you can now select the next and repeat the process.


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