Dynamics 365 Business Central / Dynamics NAV On-Premise objects C/AL objects

Please send a mail to: info@naveksa.com with a clear description of the BC / NAV version you want to download for.


  1. Update the Dynamics NAV / Dynamics 365 Business Central licence file with NAVEKSA apps in order to be able to run the NAVEKSA application.
  1. Download the installation files.
  1. Unzip the file to a folder.
  1. Open the folder with a file explorer.
  1. Famliliarize yourself the the content in this installation and ShopFloor Client setup manual”. Read this manual clicking here
  1. Import ”NAVEKSA Solution.fob”. Note: You must run this import with administrator privileges.
  1. Import” NAVEKSA Menu.fob”. Note: You must run this import with administrator privileges.
  1. Compile the objects (NAVEKSA*) and after that – compile ALL menu items together.
  1. Create a new separate server instance for running the web-services if you are going to use ShopFloor
  1. If you are going to install NAVEKSA ShopFloor Please continue at:
  1. Open BC / NAV, the menu item NAVEKSA/Setup/First time setup and the run each of the First time menu items included therein. Read about the first time setup clicking here


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