Upgrade the ShopFloor .NET client to a newer version

We have 2 different ways to update the ShopFloor Operator Client.

1) Upgrade using ShopFloor Setup.

Create a network folder where you place the latest version of the ShopFloor client files. Remember to either configure the program or remove the .config files, so that you do not overwrite local configurations with the default.

In BC / NAV navigate to Departments -> NAVEKSA -> ShopFloor -> ShopFloor Setup.

In the section “General” field “Path for update directory:” fill in the UNC path to the location of the network folder with the NAVEKSA ShopFloor program files.

Whenever an operator tries to run the NAVEKSA ShopFloor Client and the NAV object version is newer, the operator will receive a message telling that the client is out of date. He will then be asked to run ShopFloor Setup where there is an “Update” button. This will overwrite the local files with the files from the network location. !Be aware that this requires local administrator rights.

2) Upgrade using the installer

Use the Setup.exe to uninstall the local NAVEKSA ShopFloor client and run it again to install the NAVEKSA ShopFloor client. !Be aware that this will remove the local configuration file, so back it up beforehand and restore it manually after the update.


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