Introducing Installation & setup

A NAVEKSA application is easy to install.

Pre-requisite is that your BC / NAV license file permits running NAVEKSA objects.

Import the BC / NAV objects (a .fob file) and compile the imported objects.

And if you also need to install the ShopFloor OPERATOR client, you must run the Windows installer .exe file on each individual PC who should have this client installed.

On Premise AL (BC versions from 15):
A NAVEKSA application is easy to install.

Pre-requisite is that your BC / NAV license file permits running NAVEKSA Apps.

Publish and Install the NAVEKSA ShopFloor App like any other App.

And if you also need to install the ShopFloor OPERATOR client, you must run the Windows installer .exe file on each individual PC who should have this client installed.

Cloud SaaS:
A NAVEKSA application is easy to install.

Install the NAVEKSA ShopFloor App from Microsoft AppSource like any other App.

And if you also need to install the ShopFloor OPERATOR client, you must run the Windows installer .exe file on each individual PC who should have this client installed.

All versions
During initial installation a default setup is created for various functions, so you can run the application right away.

After installation you need to re-tailor the NAVEKSA application(s) to adopt the application to your specific use.

A number of questions need to be answered to configure how the systems shall operate.


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