Using other line functions – Renumber, Delete a.o.
The Related menu holds the following functions:
On the active line you will be able to add or edit line comments no matter the line type.
Comments will be transferred to the item, BOM, Route or operation in BC when you run the Create-function.
At an active line pressing the “Where-used” will show the standard BC where-used display to see single where-used or end-item where used relations.
Current Structure
At an active line, pressing this button will display the standard BC BOM structure.
Item Variants
In the active item line, you will be able to add or edit variants of the item which will be added to BC when you run the Create-function.
Gives access to a page showing the dimension values, that have been imported for the item line with possibility to modify these values before creating the items in BC.
Item Links
On the active item line, you will be able to add or edit Links (file-references) which will be added to BC Item or BOM according to Setup, when you run the Create-function.
The Handling menu holds the following functions:
Renumber Lines
When adding several lines in between existing lines you might get stuck in standard BC record handling limitations. Pressing the “Renumber” button will resequence all lines and you can continue.
Delete Line
Pressing “Delete Line” is a line delete function including deleting all lines attached to this active line, as intended lines below.
You will be notified whether this is what you want to do.
Delete Multiple Lines
By activating the “Show more options” function (the 3 dots next to the Type column) and choosing “Select more”, you will be able to mark several lines.
Then by pressing “Delete Multiple Lines” all the lines, that you have marked including all lines attached to these marked lines as indented lines below, will be deleted.
You will be notified whether this is what you want to do.
Rename BC Item
This function will perform the same action as if you manually do a rename in BC by entering a new Item number on an existing Item in the BC Item card.
The rename function will do the rename in BC and also in CadConnect wherever this item has been used.
If the Item is a produced item and holds a Production BOM No. that is identical, you will be prompted to decide if you want this Prod.BOM renamed accordingly.
Transfer Routing Link Code
If you have a Routing Link Code on an operation line and want to have this code copied to one or more Item (component) lines, you can activate the “Show more options” function, choose “Select more” and then mark the operation line holding the Routing Link Code and mark the desired item line(s). Then by pressing “Transfer Routing Link Code” the code will be copied from operation to item(s).
Using explode and collapse functions when working on a construction
While working with a construction, it is possible to explode and collapse the structure of existing items.
If you have existing sub-assemblies in your CadConnect and want to see or hide the full structure of one or more of these items, you can do so by the line menu “Explode existing”
The Explode existing menu holds the following functions:
Explode for All Item Lines
This function will explode all BOMs and routings for all produced items, thus showing the full structure in the lines below. Operations and components.
Explode for one Item Line
This function allows you to choose to explode the BOM, the routing or both for the current active item line, thus showing the full structure in the lines below. Operations and components.
Remove existing lower-level BOMs and routings
If you want to reduce the complexity and get an easier overview of your end-product, you can remove all structure below level 0 by selecting this function.
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