The Host contains references to local components and Engine commands.

Property Name Return Data Type Description Example Syntax
Name String Returns the name of this Host HippoNet.LocalHost.Name
ProductName String Returns the string name of the product that the host is running on eg. HippoNet.LocalHost.ProductName
IpAddress String Returns a string representation of the IP address of this Host in the form of HippoNet.LocalHost.IpAddress
ComponentNames Lua Table [Number,String] Returns a table of the names of all the components running on this Host indexed by increasing integer HippoNet.LocalHost.ComponentNames
StoppedComponentNames Lua Table [Number,String] Returns a table of the names of all the components on this host that are not currently running indexed by increasing integer HippoNet.LocalHost.StoppedComponentNames
Engine Engine Component Object or Nil Returns the Engine Component Object running on this host if it exists or Nil if it does not or is stopped HippoNet.LocalHost.Engine
DMX DMX Component Object or Nil Returns the DMX2 Component Object running on this host if it exists or nil if it does not or is stopped HippoNet.LocalHost.DMX
MediaManager MediaManager Component Object or Nil Returns the MediaManager Component Object running on this host if it exists or nil if it does not or is stopped HippoNet.LocalHost.MediaManager
MacroManager MacroManager Component Object or Nil Returns the MacroManager Component Object running on this host if it exists or nil if it does not or is stopped HippoNet.LocalHost.MacroManager
PresetManager PresetManager Component Object or Nil Returns the PresetManager Component Object running on this host if it exists or nil if it does not or is stopped HippoNet.LocalHost.PresetManager
Timeline Timeline Object Returns the Timeline Component Object running on this host if it exists or nil if it does not or is stopped HippoNet.LocalHost.Timeline
AvailableComponents Lua Table This returns an indexed lua table of names of components available to be added to the host HippoNet.LocalHost.AvailableComponents
Function Name Parameters Return Data Type Description Example Syntax
FindComponent (String Name) Component Object or Nuil Returns the Component Object called running on this host or Nil if it cannot be found HippoNet.LocalHost:FindComponent('CITP')
SearchComponentNames (String Pattern) Lua Table [Number, Component Object] Returns a table of all the Components running on this host whose name includes indexed by increasing integer HippoNet.LocalHost:SearchComponentNames('Manager')
ShutdownHostSoftware Nothing Attempts to shutdown Hippotizer software on this machine, returns nothing HippoNet.LocalHost:ShutdownHostSoftware()
ShutdownHostMachine Nothing Attempts to shutdown this machine and all the software running on it, returns nothing HippoNet.LocalHost:ShutdownHostMachine()
RestartHostMachine Nothing Attempts to restart this machine , returns nothing HippoNet.LocalHost:RestartHostMachine()
StartComponent (String ComponentName) Boolean Attempts to start Component with name if it is stopped, returns True if successful or False if it failed HippoNet.LocalHost:StartComponent('PinBridge')
StopComponent (String ComponentName) Boolean Attempts to stop Component with name if it is running, returns True if successful or False if it failed HippoNet.LocalHost:StopComponent('HippoSnapper')
AddComponent (String ComponentName) String This adds a new component to the host of type “XXX’ with name of “XXX”, respects component install limits. HippoNet.LocalHost:AddComponent('ScreenWarp Manager')
DeleteComponent (String ComponentName) String This stops and deletes the first component that it finds on the host with the name “XXX”, respects Component rules so you cannot delete reserved components such as Engine. HippoNet.LocalHost:DeleteComponent('PixelMapperV4')
ResetComponent (String ComponentName) String This resets the first component that it find on the host with the name “XXX”. HippoNet.LocalHost:ResetComponent('MultiController')


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