Training with Blast Motion can be made easy by following 4 Phases. Assessment Phase, Analyze Phase, Training Phase, and Reassess Phase. Improving your swing for Baseball and Softball is a continuous cycle. Training with Blast Motion walks you through this cycle.
Assessment Phase
The first phase in Training with Blast Motion is the Assessment Phase. The Assessment Phase will be your baseline swings, for the training cycle. High Intent, Offline Swings will set you up for success in the Analyze Phase.
Analyze Phase
The second phase in Training with Blast Motion is the Analyze Phase. In the Analyze Phase, we will break down your swing using the PCR Scores (Plane, Connection Rotation) found in your Blast Motion App. These PCR Scores will set us up for the Training Phase.
Training Phase
The third phase in Training with Blast Motion is the Training Phase. In the Training Phase, we will select the PCR score we are trying to improve, then select the Drill or Drills that will impact our swings. Training is where we will focus on improving our metrics and help create consistency in those improvements.
Reassess Phase
The fourth phase of Training with Blast Motion is the Reassess Phase. The Reassess Phase will allow us to compare our swings from the Assessment to see the improvements we have made, and what we need to improve for the next training cycle. Training with Blast is a continuous cycle.
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