Assessments are skills challenges created by the coach admin and coaches of the academy. The coach admin can customize and create appropriate assessments.

How to create assessments

  1. Tap on the options on the top right.
  2. Tap on Assessments.
  3. Tap on Manage Assessments.
  4. Tap on the Plus sign.
  5. Fill in the New Assessment fields (About) of Title, Description, and Category/Tab Title.
  6. Optional: Tap on the Manage Categories hyperlink
  7. Optional: Swipe button to the right to show Leaderboard to Students. Swipe to the left to turn off.
  8. Fill in the New Assessment fields (Details) by a tap on Add File link to add the file. Under instructions describe how to complete this assessment in the open field.
  9. Fill in the New Assessment fields (Scoring) of Unit of Measure, Value Decimal Places, Score Outcome, and Limits.
  10. Tap Save to complete.

How to manage assessment categories

  1. Tap on the options on the top right.
  2. Tap on Assessments.
  3. Tap on Manage Assessments.
  4. Tap on manage categories link.
  5. Categories Options: Edit (Pencil Icon), Delete (Garbage Can), or Add (Plus Sign).
  6. Tap on Done after changes.

How to customize assessments

  1. Tap on the options on the top right.
  2. Tap on Assessments.
  3. Tap on Manage Assessments.
  4. Fill out customized assessments form fields of Page Title and Description.
  5. Tap on Save Customer Settings.

How to view assessments
  1. Tap on the options on the top right.
  2. Tap on Assessments.

How to manage assessment

  1. Tap on the options on the top right.
  2. Tap on Assessments.
  3. Tap on Manage Assessments.

How to delete assessments

  1. Tap on the options on the top right.
  2. Tap on Assessments.
  3. Tap on Manage Assessments.
  4. Locate the assessment name.
  5. Tap on the garbage can icon to delete.

How to edit assessments

  1. Tap on the options on the top right.
  2. Tap on Assessments.
  3. Tap on Manage Assessments.
  4. Locate the assessment name.
  5. Tap on the pencil icon to edit.

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