Risk Guard checks all objects on the selected transport requests and highlights any that contain objects identified as a critical or risky. For example Company Code changes, Plant changes or changes to number ranges. If there are any changes to these types of objects then a message will be issued notifying the user of the level of risk for that request.

There are 4 tables that must first be populated in the Transport Expresso domain controller before Risk Guard will work. These tables are:

1. /BTI/TE_RISKL Risk Levels
2. /BTI/TE_RISKG Risk Groups
3. /BTI/TE_RISKGOB Risk Group Objects
4. /BTI/TE_RISKGOBT Risk Group Object Texts

Records for these tables can be created, modified and deleted using transaction SE16 or SM31 on the Transport Expresso Domain Controller.

Note: Some sample entries are delivered in these tables but it recommended to copy these to local customer specific ones so they won’t be overwritten during any upgrades.

Mass download/upload of Risk Guard data

It is possible to download whatever has already been maintained in Risk Group Objects and texts, and also to do an enmasse upload of this data, using the following processes:



  • MINIMUMRISKLEVEL: Minimum Risk Level from table/BTI/TE_RISKL
  • RISKGROUP: Risk Group from table /BTI/TE_RISKG


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